Detoxing Benefits

in #fitness8 years ago

Think about this for a minute, you are working out regularly and seeing some noticeable results you are also feeling better. You reflect on your workouts and your nutritional habits and they seem to be move than adequate. Well I’d like to suggest to you that you consider adding another component to your fitness routine (I know you’re saying "I barely have time to incorporate all that I’m doing now, what more can I do?"). Working out is an enhancement process, enhancing the muscle skeletal system, the immune system, the respiratory system and hopefully your psyche as well.

What I’d like to suggest is a detoxification or cleansing process, it only make sense to cleanse your organs, blood and other internal systems from time to time. After all, your body heals and repairs itself with what you consume, in other words “you are what you eat”. Let's be real about this, no one eats perfectly healthy, and I'm not asking you to.

Ok, let’s say that you do eat perfectly healthy, you would still have to contend with air pollution, product usage such as cleaners, drugs, second hand smoke, etc., which emit pollutants and harmful fumes. I’m not attempting to scare you just point out that it makes sense to detox periodically.

Detoxing boost assimilation of nutrients, improves energy, accelerates the healing process and lightens the spirit. You can detox weekly, monthly, seasonally or annually. I would recommend seasonal detoxification but you can decide for yourself which works best for you, just take the time to allow your body to rid itself of accumulated waste periodically you’ll feel even better!

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