Making Workouts Worthwhile

in #fitness7 years ago

Hey Steemers,

I want to talk about ways to get the most out of your workouts. There are an abundance of things you can do before, during, and after to improve the quality of your twerkout time. I am all about working smarter, not harder, in the pursuit of physical thrivin' and jivin'. I believe that this both demands and allows us to be more in tune with our bodies.

The Before
Preparation is everything. I cannot overemphasize how much easier workouts are when both the body and mind are ready for what's to come. First thing's first- check in with yourself. Are you sore in a particular area? How was your sleep last night? Are you excited to get your sweat on or are you feeling resistant? Each of your responses to these questions matters; each can and should influence your exercise of choice. Remember, there are no shoulds. Irrespective of trends or tabloid "health"- your intuition is an infinitely more valuable guide.

Next, evaluate your food and water needs. Some people like to gym on an empty stomach; some like to have several meals in their system. Many like to caffeinate beforehand (pick me!) This category of needs is a good indicator of workout timing- first thing in the morning, after work, ect. I've found that it works best to stay in cahoots with our bodies, rather than resisting our natural tendencies.

Finally, stretching and warming up. I recommend taking 5-10 minutes for a dynamic stretch: one that involves movement. This could be anything from a yogic vinyasa flow to walking lunges. Anything that will grease your gears and get blood circulating.

People vary in their preferences, but here is my take on workout time. It is valuable; it is a challenge to incorporate into our schedules; it is OUR time. Therefore, shut out the world for a bit. Put on some groovy music and listen internally. Focus on mind- muscle connection, on purposeful and complete contraction. Dance between sets. Drink water when you feel you need to. Podcasts and TED talks are great ways to pass the time during long distance cardio. Keep your heart rate elevated and get the sweat flowin'. You're ridding your body of toxins and loading up on endorphins- get lost in that addictive high.

Immediately following, perform a quick cool down. This could be any form of low- intensity cardio. Gentle movement circulates lactic acid out of the muscles and helps to prevent soreness and cramping. Static stretching should be the next step. Sit your booty on the ground mindfully engage each portion of the body.

Replenishment, recover. To workout is to deplete one's resources. In order to rebuild (we will rebuild ;), we need fuel and rest. Our bodies are primed for growth directly following a session. We preferentially store calories in the glycogen stores surrounding skeletal muscle; our metabolisms are elevated due to EPOC (excess post- exercise oxygen consumption). A combination of protein and carbs feeds this state perfectly, as it provides amino acid building blocks and a quick source of energy. Sleep well, and enough.

My final move is always a moment of reflection. What worked and what didn't? What could I have done better, and how will I do so in the future? How could I challenge myself in new ways? Progress- physical, psychological, and soulful- is the goal, always.


Thank you.. your tips are actually very useful. As we do make many little mistakes here and there during workout which harms us more than we imagined.
Great pictures too 👍🏻💪🏻

Nice advice , this is very usefull. :)

Okay.. I will follow your tips...nice ! :)

I loved the awesome active shots!
The acrobatic one is my favorite!
I love acroyoga and partner acrobatics ;)

ah, agreed! thank you for reading :)

As an experienced trainer in corrective exercise and alternative health I appreciate the deeper approach you take to exercise.
"First thing's first- check in with yourself. Are you sore in a particular area? How was your sleep last night? Are you excited to get your sweat on or are you feeling resistant? Each of your responses to these questions matters; each can and should influence your exercise of choice. Remember, there are no shoulds. Irrespective of trends or tabloid "health"- your intuition is an infinitely more valuable guide." -@danigirl
I can particularly relate to this as my health and lifestyle mentor Paul Chek advocates for the concept of "working in" vs "working out" on the days we may by mentally or physically fatigued. Forcing workouts may cause more harm than good with regards to stress on the body and mind.
Good stuff, following!

Thank you for stopping by! And I absolutely agree with the "working in" concept :) Your profession sounds fascinating, I'd love to learn more about what you do. I look forward to reading your work as well!

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