Gym to my lonesome

in #fitness6 years ago (edited)

Ahhhh, what a feeling. Walking into an empty gym is such a wonderful sight. You don’t have to worry about people staring at you, trying to talk to you in between sets, or compete for the same machine as you attempt to stick to your strict 30-60 second rest cadence. I can focus purely on myself. Each minute comprises complete and utter attention on nothing but my overarching objective— failure.

This may sound awfully counterintuitive, but it’s essentially reverse psychology. I want to fail. This is how you build your muscle fibers to withstand the time under tension and resistance, so the next time around you are able to rep the same weight, but at a higher frequency. If you are not challenging yourself, then you are not growing. 12 reps for three sets in a row is basically pointless. Your next set should not allow you to rep out 12 if you are training to failure.

It takes leaps and bounds to get over this mental hump and training in this manner, but once you do, you will be making pure gains, and nothing short. You should be celebrating getting less reps than the set before, not saying, “oh man, I only got 7 reps the second set.”

Realistically, your second set’s output should only be 50-67% of the previous set, not in weight, but rather frequency (if you are doing it right). And the same goes for the third set, and so on. This is how you reach the goals you set for yourself.

For instance, I want to be able to squat 1.5 times my bodyweight (170 * 1.5 = 255) 10 times. Currently, I can only do 225 lbs. roughly 7-10 times depending on the day. My training style will allow me to reach this particular goal in no time.

Who else trains to failure ??

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I haven’t gotten that far yet as I have been focusing on weight first them building up my body composition. However, this is something I have been considering as the 3 sets of reps have become somewhat stale!

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Yes, you certainly don’t want to start lifting heavy like this, especially since injury looms in the near distance with this sort of work. Building up the tone and muscle comp to a point of comfort that will allow you to more comfortably execute such a technique is definitely the way to go. Keep up the good work, I see your actifit posts are starting to show some progress 💪🏻

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It’s been a long time since I have been to the gym but I remember the days that it would only be me there. Well not just me my other lifting partner was there too. I lifted in a dungeon gym cranking the thrash metal.

You will reach that goal soon enough I guarantee it. Have you tried doing squats wearing boots with heels? The heels push you forward and you find I point near the ceiling to focus on and drive the weight backwards.

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I’ve never tried that before. I just started squatting here recently actually. I’ve been going barefoot to prevent an ankle slip or roll. You think boots with heel is better ?? Thanks for the support 💪🏻

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when you've got it all to yourself! 👍👍

Doesn’t get any better than that ✊🏻✊🏻

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