Fitness Blog #2 - Overcoming Struggle (Leg Day)

in #fitness7 years ago (edited)


Leg day: every persons worst nightmare at the gym. The only thing worse than leg day in general is running a mile before it even starts. So why do I do this? Because it sucks. Wait, that's a silly reason right? No, it's not.

As many of us know, life is not always easy. There will be struggles, both mental and physical. Wanna know a key factor in how you will react to those struggles? Your own inner strength and discipline. I am a firm believer that humans should intentionally do things they dislike, and do them often. Finding the willpower to finish that last quarter mile or that last squat will 100% translate over to other disciplines in life.
After hitting that last rep on the leg press, you will realize how powerful your own mind can be in deciding various events in your life. That promotion you've been wanting at work? Go get it. That cute girl you always see at the coffee shop but have never met? Go introduce yourself. A majority of the obstacles holding you back in life are fabricated by your own mind, sometimes all it takes is overcoming a small struggle to realize that.

Go out there and do something amazing today my friends!


On leg days the body produces the most growth hormones ceeps you young

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