A Basic Guide to Fitness - Part 1 - Preworkouts and Arms

in #fitness8 years ago (edited)

Morning Steemers! What better way to start your Tuesday than with a workout? (You'll feel less guilty about sitting at your computer afterwards)

All your need are:

That's it. Albeit, this can be a startup cost of close to $150 depending on how much weight you want to use, but it's worth the investment if you'd rather work out at home than go to gym, but if you have access to a gym that's great too!

There's a few reasons that I don't like proprietary workout blends;

  • More often than not, you've no idea how much of each ingredient there is, it simply lists them all and tells you that altogether its about 4-5 grams. Whole lot of good that does.
  • They usually have obnoxious amounts of caffeine. Like, 300mg. (Average cup of coffee is ~80-140mg) There's even some evidence to suggest that caffeine may counteract the effects of creatine.
  • Very expensive. You're looking at about $30-50/month, just to ingest a random person's magic powder.
  • The dosage for the good stuff is usually below any therapeutic level that could be considered beneficial.

So what's the alternative? ~Make your own~

Of all the stuff that they throw into pre-workouts, there's only a few that actual have clinical evidence to support any actual gains to strength, muscle growth, etc.

(and if you still need a kick in the pants to get started, there's nothing wrong with taking these with a cup of coffee; it's the 200mg+ doses where tolerance starts to become an issue)

Those are the big three, but you're welcome to go out and experiment on your own. The best part? Guess how much a monthly supply of all three of those cost. $17.35 on PowderCity (They have free shipping at $25 ANYWAYS, so at the point you could buy in bulk and probably be set for 3-4 months)

Okay, so you're all Juiced Up, now what?

Well, first warm up for 5 minutes. Do some arm circles, jumping jacks, all the stuff they made you do before soccer practice.

After that

        Let's break it down into muscle groups - Arms, Chest, Back, Shoulders, and Legs. Each muscle group is going to follow the same formula, we'll just be changing the exercises. Start with 6 sets of 6 (will be refered to as 6x6 from now on (Sets x Reps)), then next day you hit that muscle group, try to do 3x8 until you work your way up to 3x15, then up the weight and start all over again at 6x6. 

Day 1 - Arms

Tricep Kickbacks are Life. Seriously. It's all about the Tri's.

Can't forget about the curls

Throw a couple Skullcrushers in there

And if you've still got the energy, never hurts to hit the forearms.

So say you were starting with 15lbs, you would do 6 tricep kickbacks with your right arm, then with your left, rest for 30-60 seconds, curl, rest, skullcrusher, rest, hammer curl and then rest for 2-3 minutes while drinking some water before your next set. After your workout be sure to stretch, and hold it for about 4-5 deep breaths.

1 - Put one arm overhead, and position forearm as close as possible to upper arm. Grasp elbow overhead with other hand. Pull elbow back and toward head and hold.
2 -  Stand at the end of a wall or doorway, facing perpendicular to the wall. Position front of straight arm and palm on surface of wall. Place arm around same height of shoulder with elbow positioned away from the wall. Turn body away from positioned arm and hold.
3 -  Clasp hands behind your back with palms together. Straighten arms and rotate so that your palms turn downward. Raise your arms away from your body and hold.

Afterwards follow up with a nice protein shake, I prefer Jarrow Whey Protein, but you can use any protein powder you like.

And that's all there is to it! Thanks for reading, and check back tomorrow for some Chest exercises!

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