Running a mile under 6 minutes (My Journey in dropping 1 full minute) 8th run

in #fitness7 years ago

1.32 miles
Time: 9:44
Average pace: 7:22 (1 mile time was roughly 6:52)

To see my previous run, check out the below post.

No pain no gain.


The weather has been great lately. Today's run was probably in the high 80's and low 90's temperature. I'd say my overall feel of the run was average. I started the run steady and maintained that speed. No cramps, which is a very good sign. Maybe my body is starting to adapt to running again. This will help when I switch back to running 1 mile as opposed to these slightly longer runs. My overall pace did slow down from 7:15 to 7:22 but I was also stuck at a traffic light for a few seconds fumbled my phone a bit when trying to screenshot my one mile time. I clocked in my 1 mile time at 6:53!


Unfortunately, it is not easy to screenshot while running and I messed up about 3 times before I had to stop for a second and screenshot the run then continue back running. After the 1 mile @ 6:53 I pretty much died. I made every effort not to stop and make my run longer than the last run. I finished at 1.32 miles at 9:44. Overall an okay run. I'm increasing my distance and I can see my mile is getting faster.

Just a week or two more before I think I can finish the 1.5 miles at a 7:10 pace!!


Chase after those goals and see you guys on the next run!

Follow @aaagent


It is always such a good feeling when you are getting back in shape isn't it? I started back a month ago and am slowly making progress. I am staying away from goals though. I want to reinforce a good routine. I know a good system leads to more than just short term goals. Good luck in your journey!!

Thanks! I'm more of a goal oriented person. I use small short term goals to push myself to get to where I want to be while making it fun and enjoyable.

I did that too until I read Scott Adams "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life." It is definitely a suggested read. Easy to get through too!

I took a quick skim through the reviews looks like a good book. I definitely agree to have a system but I still like to pair short term goals with that system so you have something to strive for. I document everything I do so I can improve on it and push myself to atleast improve on the last work out. It's not for everyone but I don't mind suffering a little bit if it gets me closer to my goal.

No pain no gain right? My legs day put my lower back into all sorts of fun for the last two days :-) Gotta love dead lifts.

deads and squats. The foundation of your core and body!

Such is the truth. I gave my lower back one more day and just did upper body today. Standing military press is my new / old favorite. A little core and some solid shoulders. I was a cheerleader in highschool so it brings me back to lifting the girls.

you need to meet my friend @pfooty14 he runs a sub 4 mile and is a professional runner for New Balance

holy cow. I don't need to go that fast. Sounds like a job to run that fast haha. Good for him!

Sub 4 minute must be up top in his country I assume or at least very very competitive.

yeah, We're from Canada. He's near the top.

He I wish you the best of luck in your goals. Soon that minute will be gone than you will want to shave 30 seconds. Lol

We shall see haha. That 1 minute is going to be very painful. I will probably move to another goal not running related but fitness related.

Yes but a challenge is always a good thing. Best of luck my friend.

Running is also very good for heart.

Definitely. My heart is definitely getting a good work out from these runs.

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