My Workout Dairy: 8 Feb 2019

in #fitat406 years ago (edited)

Half the battle is turning up...

My house is a bit like a doctors waiting room at the moment. A lot of coughing and sneezing and wheezing. As a consequence I'm not getting much sleep.

It was tempting to give myself the excuse not to go to exercise today.

However I literally dragged myself, half asleep, to the gym.

And that was half the battle won.

Sometimes, the challenge is not the task itself. It is simply getting started. Once I got to the gym, it was just another session. You take the strain then complete 1 rep and 1 set at a time.

Before you know it, mission accomplished.

If possible, I'm going to try the decision of whether to work out or not. Or better still how hard to push, when I get to the gym. The body is often far more resilient than the hyper-analytical mind!

Day 10 in the books!

Today's stats

2019-02-09 13.08.32.jpg

Today's workout




Incline DB Bench Press/ DB Bench Flys/ Bench DB Rows/ Decline DB bicep curls

50KG x12/ 35KG x12/ 35KG x12/ 20KG x12
50KG x12/ 35KG x10/ 35KG x10/ 20KG x10
50KG x12/ 35KG x10/ 35KG x10/ 20KG x10

Seated DB Press/ Side Raises/ Bicep curls

35KG x10/ 20KG x10/ 20kg x10
35KG x12/ 20KG x12/ 20kg x10
35KG x10/ 20KG x10/ 20kg x10
35KG x10/ 20KG x10/ 20kg x10

Cable Bicep curls / Tricep pushdowns/ Facepulls

46KG x12/ 46KG x12/ 27KG x12
46KG x12/ 46KG x12/ 27KG x12
46KG x12/ 46KG x12/ 27KG x12
46KG x12/ 46KG x12/ 27KG x12


3' shadow/ 1' rest
3' shadow/ 1' rest
3' shadow/ 1' rest




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Yeh sir even when i am not willing to go to the gym then i just try pushing my self to just awake and reach the gym and that is the most difficult task for me and once i accomplished that then hear i am with another workout session.

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