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RE: You Love Those To Whom You Give And The More You Give, The More You Love?

in #fishlove7 years ago

One problem (at least in English speaking countries) is that the word LOVE encompasses a wide range of emotions. For example, Greek has 4 words in ascending order...
Eros... The lowest, basest form- physical love.
Storge... I love my dog- I love my friends.
Philia (Philos)... The love of knowledge, etc.
Agape... This is the love of the Bible, the highest form. Jesus said, "There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends." (Actually a bad translation- it should be "for your fellow man."

If you want a love that lasts you must get past Eros. One problem is "self-love" People say that you can't love another unless you love yourself. WRONG!!! You can't truly love another IF you love yourself. true love, as the Rabbi says, is giving, it is selfless. Love is not 50/50... Love is two people each giving 110%!


Great to describe Eros and all words explaining LOVE
So , I am all wrong to love myself first of all ?
I do know unconditional love ❤️ and I know that I am capable.
Still So much to learn.
Rabbi is such wise man and I wish to be as profound as him and other prophets.

I love Rich's reply, but disagree with this concept in the follow-up.
You must love yourself. But, the thing is, you do. Everybody does. It's impossible not to. Even if we do the most selfless acts, it's because that is what gives us the most sense of satisfaction. Yep, we're back to ourselves.
Jesus does tell us to love selflessly. But that does not preclude loving ourselves. In fact, He made it very plain that we naturally love ourselves when He commanded us to love our neighbors as ourselves. In other words, don't be a narcissist. Love others to such a degree that your greatest joy is in loving them. It's a choice (if it wasn't, it couldn't be a command) - one that rewards both the giver and the receiver.
Even Jesus' work on the cross was both an act of selfless love and an act that He knew would ultimately bring Him the greatest joy.

Thats the whole point indeed. I love Jesus so much! Who would not?
He did not teach us to be selfless but without self love we would not know how to love our neighbors.
I have the urge to reach the highest form of love and share it to the whole universe like
BUDDHA who teaches about Metta!
The Universal ❤️ for all mankind and living beings.

I found this here

The word 'love' is used to cover a very wide range of emotions human beings experience. Emphasis on the base animal lust of one sex for another has much debased the concept of a feeling of amity towards another being. According to Buddhism, there are many types of emotions, all of which come under the general term 'love' First of all, there is selfish love and there is selfless love. One has selfish love when one is concerned only with the satisfaction to be derived for oneself without any consideration for the partner's needs or feelings. Jealousy is usually a symptom of selfish love.
Selfless love, on the other hand, is felt when one person surrenders his whole being for the good of another. parents feel such love for their children. Usually human beings feel a mixture of both selfless and selfish love in their relationships with each other.

If I had to choose one lesson from Jesus it would to be... ALWAYS put others first. Self-love is just another word for selfishness. I am the LEAST important person in my life. I would gladly give it up to save another person. Eros is merely a chemical reaction that goes on in our brain (the releasing of hormones etc.) and has absolutely nothing to do with love in any significant way.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”

So I am selfish but I give more to others who deserve it than I could give myself.
I could only give up on my own life for my daughter

That's fine... I look at it like this- there are 7 billion people on Earth and if I die today it won't make one iota of difference in the grand scheme of things. Sooner or later, we all wind up the same way... Dead.

You don't believe in reincarnation ? I do

I believe this is a test to determine where you go from here.

Hell or Heaven?
Yes, Life is a huge test but I don't believe in hell. Balinese believe that stray dogs are criminals and have only one chance to be reborn as humans. A good person needs to feed them.

Not heaven or hell. Maybe not reincarnation on earth... maybe somewhere else. I don't believe that when you die you go live in the sky with some dude. i also don't believe if you screw up you come back as a racoon or a house plant... that's equally silly. And tell the balinese idiots that coming back as a dog would be an honor!

Hi,Mammasitta! "Love is the one You; feel,show,share and make to grow"...I just started,today on this,and...LOVE always get my full atention...I hope I can share only good things like this one You share here...Thanks.

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