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in #fishing6 years ago

We have not been able to go fishing since last Friday and it looks like we will not be going for a few more days. These days of no work would be nice if we could still get paid but if we do not fish we do not get paid. It would be alright if someone wanted to buy some of our palms but no one is buying them either. It does get old but we have lived like this for well over 30 years so I should be use to it. I am glad our kids are all raised, there is less stress now. And our house is paid off, but we still need to work. I wish we had some sort of retirement because I do not know what we are going to do when we get to old to fish, we are both in our sixties now so I do not know how much more time we have. We do not have many days of pompano fishing left, the sharks are just south of our inlet, they are headed north, they follow the mackerel, and the pompano go back at the same time. It has been so warm that everything thinks it is spring, maybe this cold snap will slow them down. I can only hope.
I was just thinking about the sharks and remembering when we use to fish for them, we had a 30ft boat and 3 miles of longline that we pulled by hand. we had to be up at 2am and I baited hooks while my husband drove the boat offshore, when we got offshore I would drive and he would clip the dropper to the main line as it ran out, the droppers were made of 600 pound line with a clip on one end and hook on the other. When we picked up the line we would pull up to a buoy that was attached to the line and start pulling it in the boat I drove most of the time while my husband picked the line up if he was catching small-ish sharks I would ask him to drive and let me pick up the line, he liked that because he knew what was going to happen, it never failed, every time I started picking up I would catch big ass sharks way to big for me to get in the boat, it never failed, worked that way a lot. One day I was picking up and caught a cobia but also had a big stingray they were both tangled and my husband told me to cut the dropper with the stingray, I cut the wrong line, to this day he still talks about how I cut the line on a 60 dollar fish. I will never be able to live that one down. This is a shark I caught while pompano fishing, I don't have any pictures from back in the day


What kind of market is there for sharks?

@jacobtothe there is a good market for sharks but the state has made it where only the big boats get them now, they passed a bunch of laws and you have to take a state person with you, and go to all these stupid meetings which are never anywhere close to where we live. just a pile of crap. The meat is really good to eat, it is a very white meat. The state also made it where you have to be in federal waters to keep more than one.

Are you able to sell it or do you eat it yourself?

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@wakeupkitty back when we shark fished we sold them. now a days when we catch one we can only sell 1. So it is not worth only catching 1. The state passed a law that you can only have 1 shark in state waters.

What about the social security? You guys are supposed to get that.

@blacklux my husband can draw social security when he gets old enough but I can not, for years we wrote my fish up under his name, it just made it easier but now we found out I have not paid enough in or some crap like that. On paper I have not worked much. What he will draw will not be much either. But we will deal with it when it comes time, something will work out for us, it always does.

If you are legally married they can take some of his ss to complete yours. Go and ask for info cause that can be arrange. Also the ss have several programs where they give you like a part-time job to complete you ss. My uncle was in one of those programs and now he gets the ss.

@blacklux thank you I will check into this.

I hope you find a solution to your retirement. Always the worries a life full. Can the children give you something or save a bit for you till that time?
I keep my fingers crossed for you.

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@wakeupkitty I worry about what is going to happen when we get to old to fish, then I think back at all the times I did not know how we were going to make it and still things worked out, I have faith that something will work out for us.

It is good to think back to all the hard times you had and survived. I do the same. I think: I did it before so I can do it again, but I also notice the world is changing fast so it is good to have a plan or some savings. The last is hard for me since I already hardly spend.

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@wakeupkitty We do not spend must, mostly just to pay bills, we do not go out to eat and I buy all our clothes at thrift stores. We do not have any debt, if we want something we save for it and buy outright nothing on credit. Our house is paid for. So it does not take all that much for us to survive. Yes the world is changing, I miss the good old days.

I live the same way. Still find it hard since most goes to the bills. Not food or clothes.

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@wakeupkitty it is the best way to live, never buy on credit, if you don't have the money for it then save up for it. that is what we do. It keeps us from having stress of how to pay bills. My husband hunts and has a garden so we are lucky, there is also a cheap food store we shop at, like where you buy out of date or dented can goods.

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