Quick guide to fishing squid by hand from a boat

in #fishing6 years ago

Fishing squid, octopus, cuttlefish is one of my hobbies, it is the perfect excuse to go sailing for a while. I fish them one by one and I give it up when I have caught about 10 squids.

The squid that we find in the diet of many cultures is very easy to fish, as everything in life has its trick.

I present to you how to fish squid in a traditional way since the squid that we find in restaurants have usually been fished in an "industrial" way with factory boats.

They are fished at dawn and dusk in a boat drifting with a rig that has a lead at its tip and a circle of curved grapples: the pot. With the potera the squid - and also the cuttlefish and small cuttlefish - are caught one by one by the tentacles and when they get on board the boat they are alive.


And all this without releasing a drop of ink, which is what it is, because this is the defense of the squid, and if during the fishing process felt attacked, the animal would release its black load through the waters, ruining the objective of the capture. The ink is the tastiest of the squid although many people feel a rejection by the same and believe that it is "dirty", I recommend that you try it and then think. Maybe change your mind!

The price of a squid for its "by hand fishing" and for its characteristics can be worth at least 60% more expensive than a normal or trammel squid.

Let's fish:

Overcome that we have a boat (allways better if it's your friend boat lol), we know that in the area where we are going to fish there are squids and that is the right time of the year ....

It is very easy and fun, an activity to do with friends or family and have a good time.

What do we need:

1.- 30m of fishing line
2.- 2 carabiners
3.- 1 artificial fish
4.- lead or "potera"

  1. Good luck :)



Both the artificial fish and the potera are armed with a bunch of prongs, where we expect the squid to be trapped.
The squid is a ferocious predator so when we catch it it will be a "hunter hunted"



This is our fishing gear, simple right?

Once we slide the equipment to the sea, it will look like this:


And now what should be done?

Well, apart from being lucky and waiting for a group of squids to appear near our boat, we have to move our equipment from top to bottom.


For what?

The squid looks for live prey, with that movement our artificial fish appears to be alive.

And what about the potera? Have you noticed the silver color of the pot? the porter imitates a squid that when we make the movement from top to bottom appears to be stalking our articial fish in such a way that when a third squid appears on stage, the latter tries to anticipate our potera or even attack our potera!
yes... the squids are canibals;)

and if we are lucky....: WE GOT IT!


and another!


ops! that was an octopus!!

and another!!


What do I do when I don't fish?

Obviously blame and curse my artificial fish haha, so I have a lot of them that I relegate to the bench if they are not playing well the game :)


finally game over, when we have fished the necessary fish we end fishing!


These beach squids have been fished at a depth of 12 meters from the bottom they are exquisite. From the sea to the grill with a little olive oil and a little garlic. A delight!

I hope that you are encouraged to fish squid some day and if you come to Barcelona we will go together!

@beiker <3


el puto amo, neng!!!!
Podrias hacer un fishingproject ;-)

haha si he tardado 5 meses en hacer este post que tenía en mente!! para eso necesitamos a Carlos hehe

Calamars marcians!

lol...I'm not sure it looks tasty but it sure looks like fun!

i agree calamaris look like alien lol but trust me they are a delight!

El Àlex fliparà!! Gran tutorial per amants del mar i la pesca!!! ;)

si flipo jo, imaginat ell! jaja

gràcies @planctonica

@toofasteddie té molta raó!, ets "U putu rei" nanu!
this squids seems delicious!!!! the fish day looks like wonderful,...I'm a envious!!!
I reesteemed the post! I like a lot!

doncs ja saps homahhhh APESCAR!!!!!

find a free day and we do go to cryptofishsquid's!

I love cryptofishsquid!

Ha ha. They are so funny. God seems to have shown a sense of humor in making squid. Successful fishing!

haha yes like i said they looks like from Mars!

excellent tutorial! I'm going to squid fishing, it seems fun!

You got a 68.34% upvote from @redlambo courtesy of @beiker! Make sure to use tag #redlambo to be considered for the curation post!

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