The beginning is the most difficult part.

in #firstpost7 years ago

So... I've been stressed out lately. I even woke up one night with so much headache that I had to throw up. I can't stop thinking about my future, should I study and get a proper education and if so, then what should i study? Or should I continue working so I can pay my rent and do all kinds of stuff that people usually do on their spare time and if so, then where or with what should I be working? My mind is messy... Well where are my manners, I should probably introduce myself. I'm Jerry and I want to see myself as a kind of "normal" citizen of Finland, I like to have a drink on the weekends and enjoy watching TV, I'm not that much into sports even tho I used to play handball. I'm not that old nor am I that young anymore and right now I work as a kindergarten teacher but after a month from now my agreement will expire and therefore the stress.

Well enough boring information about myself and back to all the difficult choices you have to make in life. So this all started yesterday when I were sitting on the sofa with my girlfriend, I were scrolling through Instagram on my phone when I happened to see her looking at some movie quotes and I noticed this one in particular:

where to.jpg

And so I realised that until this very day I have never before taken too much stress about what I should do or where I want to be in the future, lets say 10 years from now. Just because I'm growing up it doesn't mean I have to have my whole future perfectly planned out, I guess I could relax more and enjoy the moment instead of knowing all the right answers. Or what does other people think? "I don't know" is one of my most used phrases now a days.

Just days before this happened an old friend on mine @acidyo were telling me to start posting on Steemit which he also introduced me to for almost a year ago when Steemit were founded, he told me this where really going to be something. Well I never really took it too seriously and time went by and so yesterday i decided that i should really try it out, and so here I am, writing about my messy thoughts.


Wise words, and so I will try to live in the moment. Thank you so much for your time!

hi @jerry12 don't think that much, just enjoy and have fun on Steemit ....also sometime it is much more difficult to end something than to start !
Welcome on Steemit ! yeah ! :-)

I bet I will enjoy my time here on Steemit, at least I will try my best to! And ending something isn't easy, that's true, and that's also one of the parts why the beginning is so difficult, before every beginning there is very often an end to something.

What a great introduction @jerry12. I am sure that being an active member here will open a lot of doors for you. Enjoy the ride! :-)

Thank you very much @bart2305, I'm glad you liked it, i really tried to make it somewhat different from just a normal introduction. Absolutely I'll enjoy every step! :)

Great intro, Jerry! Welcome to steemit! Looking forward to see your posts!

Many thanks, Patrick! It feels great being so very welcome!

yep, its normal to not have a clue whats happening. Maybe get a few short term goals that make you happy and go from there! life is wild

You're so true, that i will do! Thank you for your fast replies :)

I can somehow relate to your post. But there's no point in stressing so much. You can always share your thoughts here. Keep posting.
Welcome to steemit :)

Thank you so much for the replies! It will always feel good being welcome! And absolutely will i keep on posting :)

Hi Jerry. Welcome to Steemit. Stephen

Hi there Stephen! Thank you, I feel very welcome.

I have been stressed out once. Really stressed out, so much I collapsed in my apartment and it took me half a year to get back on track. What I have learned is if you trust in the universe, you will find a lot more peace. Just believe that it will probably work out in the end. Because it will. And btw Welcome. I hope you enjoy it here! :)

Thank you for sharing your story, I'm glad to hear you got it sorted out :) I as well believe that I will sooner or later figure it out!

Welcome, man! What a unique and nice introduction! :)

Don't stress too much about your future as long as you're healthy everything else will work itself out. :)

Thanks a lot, once again for introducing me to Steemit. Feels Really good finally being a part of it :)

Thank you! much appreciated :)

you're welcome

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