Blocked by your State Rep or Senator? Fed Judge says your 1st Amendment rights have been violated!

in #firstamendment6 years ago (edited)

Today a Federal Judge Ruled that President Donald Trump Violates the 1st Amendment by blocking users from his feed on Twatter.

credit Doug Mills New york times

Well Twitter was all abuzz with a top trend First Amendment. Needless to say I jumped right in as I have been blocked by MANY state reps and Senators.
Just off the cuff here are a few I managed to get under their skin..
blocked by hank.JPG

Each of the above it would seem has violated my 1st Amendment rights according to this Federal Judge.

Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald said in her ruling that Trump is violating the U.S. Constitution by preventing certain Americans from viewing his tweets on @realDonaldTrump.

I saw the story while waiting on my hot wings from I Love wings in Stone Mountain Ga.
Well after reading the story I called My Rep's office

Rep Hank Johnson of all people.
I was informed by his office that and I quote "We are not aware of Representative Johnson's stance on the 1st amendment and civil rights. Would you like to leave your name and number so we can get back to you?"I explained to them they already had my info on file and I would not need to leave it again No thiank you.

I then followed up with a two choice tweets of my own after the phone call.



So my message to you is to take this opportunity to slam your representative if they have blocked you on social media. Take the advice of my second tweet.

If your State Rep or Senator has blocked you on @Twitter or @Facebook take a screenshot and tweet it. Be sure to include their twitter handle or Facebook name in the tweet or Facebook Post. Also call their office and complain. Be 'kind of nice' about it.

The conservatives that have been Shadowbanned or outright shut down by CEO, Jack Dorsey's Fascist policies on Twitter now have a chance to to shove this back into his face. The Judge opened up a can of worms and opened a door we need to make sure does not get slammed shut. Free Speech in America is fast tracking to the left where your free speech, if found to be offensive can be BANNED from the public soap box. That is unAmerican and needs to be turned back around.

So don't wait, participate!

Just my two STEEMS Worth.Steemerica_mini.JPGSteemerica_mini.JPG

all pictures unless otherwise noted were screen capped from my @notalemming twitter account.


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Outstanding, Ranger! Keep screaming about these things at the top of your lungs. Derp Furor is chipping away at everything that once made America great, just so he can be Emperor of the World.

Just yesterday he flatulated his opinion on Fux & Sluts Noise Morning Sham that NFL players who wanted to take a knee during the National Anthem shouldn't be in this country.

We are in a pot of water where Anus Orange and his band of miscreants are slowly, each and every day, raising the temperature. If we don't scream, others will be content to bask in what they have been told is not a cooking pot, but a Jacuzzi, and let us all be served up as appetizers in the new MAGA feudal system these dumfux want to create.

IMHO. Rant Off. That is all.

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