ANY Gun Control is NOT Reasonable. These Republicans Lie To Your Face. This list of republicans are Not pro-2A...

in #firearms7 years ago


Did you vote for any of these spineless commies? Did you believe their campaign promises (lies)? The 2 major parties are not different. It's time you learned that.

Now they are joining forces with Democrats to take your guns. Yes, literally. Their exact words were that No law could have prevented the Vegas shooting. But they don't care. Civilian safety is not their aim, it the disarming of the American people. They want control, and you are giving it to them by sitting silently and not voicing your disgust. Contact your representatives and tell them how worthless they are and that how they vote on this issue will have a direct bearing on their reelection.

10-11-2017 6-17-01 PM.jpg

This new bill reads like the road to serfdom.

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People should really be aware that the politicians who go to D.C. do not care about your rights, your life, or your property. (Pro tip: All three are related) Yes, they will sail you down the river when it is politically expedient for them. All of this talk of banning an accessory is reactionary bullshit. The only thing the BATFE is constitutionally allowed to do is not exist in the first place. The same thing goes for the FBI, CIA, NSA, EPA, DOE, and the rest of the Statist alphabet soup! It's disgusting, and I don't like it!


My favorite part of this post is the little clickbank affiliate advertisement for something everyone will definitely need when the government takes all your guns...

I will agree that most people deserve the right to own a gun. Some, however, certainly do not. Some gun control is good.

lol thanks for noticing. Nobody ever clicks on them by the way......

Maybe you're right, but should the government be deciding who should and who shouldn't? They don't have a great track record for being effective.

Neither do corrupt private sector folks who only get into things for money.

Who Doesn't get into things for money?

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