More fire season woes.

in #fire6 years ago (edited)

This one was closer to home and coincided with one resulting in a fatality.

Mid afternoon I got a phone call asking if the fire is affecting our place. I rush outside to find fires are burning on both sides on neighbors properties and the wind is strong and constantly changing direction. With this being the case its hard to figure out who to assist first because both are threatening.

Normally when there is a grass or bush fire everybody in the community that is available rushes in to lend a hand for a couple of reasons:

  • These fires spread quickly and if its your neighbors problem it will be your soon
  • Tomorrow may be your turn so lend a hand today, you may need that reciprocated tomorrow.

To top that I get a call from the guy down the road also asking for help and his house has a thatch roof.

Long story short there was all kinds of running around and much beating of flames and throwing of water etc. until a couple of hours later all fires were under control and all that was left were burning logs etc.

They do leave a pretty spectacle at night with sparks showering down everytime the wind picks up.

Turns out there were a total of 4 fires in the space of about 3 kilometers. Some hitchhiker that wasn't having much success trying to get a lift decided to liven thing up a little by setting fire to any patch of dry grass he found along the way.

I must say it made for a very difficult afternoon with all of us spread out and unable to help each outer like we usually would. It was also a day with very strong wind which makes fires ten times worse.

Over the hill about 10 km away as the crow flies one of the women in the area sustained severe burns while trying to rescue her trapped dogs from the flames and died in hospital later.


Thank you for posting @gavvet.

So sorry to hear of this happening. How very real it must be when everyone is having the same issue.

Thinking of you and yours and your neighbours.

Wow. Sorry you have to deal with this so frequently. I wonder how the instigator of all this would feel if they realized it led to so much strife and even a casualty. It is nice to hear how people band together to fight this fiery threat. Stay safe @gavvet, all the best during these trying times!

That is insane and scary !! i pray for the lives of people around you. Be safe please

It's getting rather scary here during fire season; we've had a lot of them also. According to firefighters, the fires are behaving differently than ever before, accelerating down hill slopes and so forth, which none of them had seen in the past. Vegetation must be very dry.

many say do not play fire, because fire is a small friend who will be a big enemy for us.

It's very sad that you have to go through this, be safe!

Fire is the natural disaster which when full bloom runs down everything to ashes.We should always be aware of the things of how to tackle such situations which are not ordinary.
Sorry for the loss of the women

Over the hill about 10 km away as the crow flies one of the women in the area sustained severe burns while trying to rescue her trapped dogs from the flames and died in hospital later.

hope there is already in the heaven waiting for her to be on time...
Hard times ,Some-mistakes are followed by heavy losses....

Drebtful to see this happening .DSCF3519.jpg

Really sorry for that needless loss of life, in your post yesterday I pointed out how dangerous these fires can get. It starts small but can quickly get out of control and the wind just makes it worse.

This story was fascinating to read @gavvet
"a helping hand always stays blessed" so be blessed.

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