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RE: Porque o Brasil é o maior ecossistema Fintech na América Latina? -

in #fintech7 years ago

òtima notícia essa, é muito interessante saber disso, eu vejo nas criptomoedas, após analisar o impacto que a tecnologia subjacente à elas, o Blockchain, está causando no mundo, uma possibilidade de nosso país conseguir, finalmente, desenvolver todo o potencial de sua economia, devido a facilidade com que elas permitem a transferência de recursos, sem uma entidade intermediando isso, e explorando nos impostos, e ao poder de geração de valor inerente à elas. Acabei de ler uma notícia sobre uma empresa americana, um aplicativo semelhante ao Whattsapp, que decidiu que era melhor fazer uma ICO, Initial Coin Offering, capitar recursos ao lançar sua própria moeda digital, do que fazer uma IPO, Initial Public Offering, captar recursos lançando as ações da empresa no mercado aberto, em uma bolsa de valores.

A notícia, em inglês, explicando o marco que isso significa para a sociedade humana como um todo, e o potencial de se ganhar com isso, é essa, se alguém se interessar, me escreve no comentário que eu traduzo para vocês, tudo bem galera?

May 31, 2017 Transcript
Today I want to talk to
you about a story that could end up being the turning point in the way that companies
go to market.
What I mean is that I think that we are looking at a world where you’ll see startups and
companies that would normally go public sidestep the underwriting process of going on
a traditional stock exchange and instead they will “tokenize” their assets (meaning that
they will issue an equivalent of a cryptocurrency or digital token) and “go public” via a
token sale. So where you’ll actually trade their tokens on a cryptocurrency exchange.
And the reason why this is important is this company here Kik is a legitimate, thriving
business. They have 15 million users, they have $120 million in VC funding, and they
just announced that they are going to launch a token sale. So they are going to tokenize
their assets and they are going to launch them on a cryptocurrency exchange, and you’ll
be able to buy and sell them.
Now, they can’t call them shares because of the way the current legal structure is set up.
When you call something a share, it has a very specific way that it has to come to market
through an underwriting process and through a regulatory process. So they’re
sidestepping that and not calling it a share and they’re calling it a token. But at the end
of the day, it’s the same thing.
Now, why is this important? Well, any company that was good enough to get $120
million in VC funding is good enough to go public on a listed stock exchange. And the
fact that the VCs that are backing this company made the decision to support doing a
token sale and essentially going public on a crypto exchange, rather than a traditional
exchange, is incredibly important.
It validates this idea that we are going to see companies, instead of issuing shares,
issuing tokens. And I believe that this is the beginning, the emergence of a new asset
class. Who knows what they’re going to call it? Maybe they’ll call it “crypto equities”.
That’s what we’ve called it.
So I think that this is a really important story, and it’s a story that we’re going to look
back on and say, “Aha! This was the turning point. This was the beginning of this
massive trend of startups completely sidestepping the Nasdaq, completely sidestepping
the New York Stock Exchange, and going directly to market with viable, thriving
businesses in a way that they can never do so before.”
So it’s an incredibly important story. You need to be aware of it. The ramifications are
huge. It suggests that the cryptocurrency space is not a flash in the pan. That it will be
here for the foreseeable future. And things like bitcoin that are essentially the reserve
currency of the cryptocurrency world, the importance of things like bitcoin are really
just beginning to be realized.

And I want you to always remember. Let the Game Come to You!

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