Investing in Finland

in #finland7 years ago

Finland, ahh my native country and i love this land and country. The bureaucracy mentality is something I'm still adjusting but lately i have found peace with my current affairs. Life is good, and just checked that bitcoin is going through the roof. Funny, I have already given up on the idea that i should spread any knowledge on coins, but I have to say big thanks to Finnish bitcoin enthusiasts mainly Henry Brade and Prasos for giving the easy opportunity to buy bitcoins through them. Just to be honest, I first heard about Bitcoins in 2013 when it first broke 200USD. Now i just remember the funny days and my self believing but not believing. I used to think why didn't I buy more coins but now after four and half years i'm very glad that i still haven't sold any.

I sold all of my stocks back in 2013 and it was the time i started investing in silver and gold. At that time bitcoin crashed from 1000USD and no one believed that it had any future. Back then i was kinda a mess, and I watched way too many videos on petrodollar geopolitics and stock market crash being on the way. I had my lesson on stocks back in 2008, man did i get burned. Now I kinda smell the same hubris and optimism on stocks, but the crash has been avoided so many times that i really don't bother anymore. Stocks, there will productive companies, but do look for chains of industry that are locked due resources like here in the north, we have very sophisticated companies linked to the abundance of Wood. There is also companies that are linked together, like iron ore from Sweden, refineries in gulf of Bothnia and engineering companies along the coast. Going down to shipping industry at the southern part of Finland. These resource chains are so strategic and are linked to solvereign nations interests to stay independent. But chasing companies that are producing something new and for consumers, not for me. The stressing of daily prizes are not my thing, and now that i have seen how it feels to have something go up in value like bitcoin from 1000USD to 4000USD this year, i have already found the unicorn. I don't believe ill find another at the stock market, from stocks you can park some wealth for your children and your self, No one will get rich, some will make good gains and then blow the money away and brag, but to get rich, not for the masses.

Money in the bank, the most entertaining words that have completely changed its function. It still works, if by money you mean what Mike Maloney has thought us gold bugs. Gold and Silver are money. And I personally wish to promote Gold jewelry as an investment over stocks. The only way gold is going is up, there will be demand for physical gold in the future. If you can get your hands on duty free Silver, that you should stockpile, but silver is a currency of the absolute crisis. silver will be accepted when cash is not acceptable and you need to exchange value. With gold you probably can buy your escape from crisis zone. But as an investment, Gold and Silver are extremely good way to store your savings, the physical metal wont go bad and they will be more valuable than your current euros or dollars or any government currency. I have heard this funny saying: "Gold is the money of kings , Silver is the money of Gentlemen and Debt is the money of slaves."

My methods are simple, Invest only the surplus. My monthly economics are based on the fact that my expenditure does't go above my monthly salary. If you diligently keep a surplus for years, you'll wake up some day that things are good and stable. People that say that savings are bad, haven't convinced me. I learned my economics in strategy games to be honest. First you get the economy going, then you can spend. So my big choices have been for years to come. To rent or own your own apartment? The real answer is, choose a humble version. The house that has everything and is expensive is maybe not the choice you should be taking, maybe you should consider something you know you can afford. The same thing with cars, buy the one you can afford, not the one you can afford only the down payment. With a good margin of surplus its just much easier. There will be more expenses in the future, even if you don't see them yet.

leave a comment if you read it through. Specially comments in Finnish and Swedish are more than welcome.
maybe ill make a habit of writing whats on my mind. But to do this thing I think i'll be writing mostly on english for now.


right now is the best time to invest in crypto, esp alt coin, they are down so low right now

i can't speak Finnish and Swedish , but i want comment this good post for read @reliikki

You are so right @relikki when you say debit is your slave, never exceed your expenditure over earnings, do without. If you don't have the cash don't get the item.

Heipparallaa Reliikki. Olet vasta toinen suomalainen keneen olen täällä törmännyt. Paljon hyviä pointteja tässä jutussa.

ps. voisit laittaa jonkun kuvan seuraavaan juttuun.

I agree with you on investing in silver. The more valuable gold is the more difficult it is to cash out. Silver also has more uses than gold so silver in reality has MORE value.

I want to know about what finnish thinks about Russian... Enemy?

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