
Excellent commentary on the state of medical "advancements" today. It's all about making money, either the big bucks, or for most of the people involved, just making a living. Same for the war machine. Moral compasses are easy to skew these days, we are all so focused on the next meal or the next toy. Great work.

We should be more in tune with natural healing plants instead of being kept sick for profit. What a disgusting state of affairs we find ourselves in today.

Too bad most people really only care about that dollar and how much they have in the bank.

How we know that side effects are so true about drugs today. You have hit the nail on the head. The reader can literally feel the pain that each of the character is going through while living a lie to market a drug. Sad truth.

Heart goes out for Ms. White and the nurse (despite the baddy that he is) for the life that they have to live. Great job in getting the readers' emotions flowing! @tristancarax as always!

Why thank you, @bananafish, for the fine compliment.

Actually loved it, You should write more!! =Þ ( ..and I feel that am telling this to You and myself, as a reminder that I should write more, or write at all.. )..

You got me in the story with all the descriptions and the character "drumming" with the spoon like a metronome following the clock, maybe because I was a drummer quite a while ago, and was also on many different medication, until finally realising that they were not helping at all, made my brain go haywire and thoughts of suicide suddenly invading my mind, something I had to learn how to live with..

Best of lucks in the contest, keep up the awesome work, and fighting the good fights ;)

made my brain go haywire and thoughts of suicide suddenly invading my mind

This is probably one of the main reasons I don't take them either. I struggle enough without the extra "help" 8-)

I bet you made some pretty cool beats when you were out in space. haha.

Glad to read that you are living life without them as they are very destructive.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yeah, we definitely don't need the extra 'help', and I've seen a lot of good awesome people getting screwed thanks to it =S..

Maybe I did a couple of cool beats, some liked it a lot other not that much, although, my neighbours might disagree x)

Don't mention it, and don't mind if I disappear from time to time, still trying to figure out how to live, even thou I have all the basic needs covered and 'a bit more', solitude sometimes turns into loneliness and I get tired of being behind the screen.. Guess I need some human 'touch'..

Have a great time, keep being awesome and all the best to You mate!!

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