
Wow, Nietzsche's philosophy permeating Mendo's twisted monologue! You managed to give a cryptic, occult halo to your ending and Mendo's last sentence is sweet in a scary way. Very intrigueing. Bravo Tristan, you don't have to worry or research too much but just let the creation process flow from the chest of your inner world ✌️Btw, the @bananafish will start a weekly haiku poetry contest next Friday 7th.. mark the date!

I can’t wait to see what subjects we’ll be made to haiku about 🤔

There will be a photo and people have to develop their haiku.. it's going to be super cool.

Nietzsche, in my horror stories? That makes for a good character, you’d personally had to make an effort to screw that one up. Resteem’d. (The Yellow King as an Übermensch, hmm...)

😃 fabulous.

”... the fear of emptiness, the horror vacui as they defined it in the Middle Ages, is nothing but the unconscious and desperate attempt to look away from the ultimate truth?"

This line got me thinking about our shadows. As I was looking around the concept of horror vacui, I found Nietzsche.

Nietzsche had good talk about horror, and I had a hunch feeling someone will use Nietzsche directly. Glad that feeling came into fruition here (albeit I do want to posit now that Nietzsche wasn’t as good or could’ve been better in some of his works not involving horror; yet I chalk it up to his material conditions, his sister editing his works and, ironically only in this comment section about horror, his mental stability screwing him up later down the road). We should look at and use Nietzsche more in our works of horror, it definitely would benefit the genre. Anyways, happy steemin’ and watch out for witch-in-trainings in possessing huge monsters!

@bananafish The above line sent me searching. I couldn’t help it when I was put in a freakin’ horror house!

I think I need to find a healthy balance of research and creative writing because, without the research, I’d never have learned about the different paths horror vacui was associated with. However, I find myself running into the issue you brought up in another thread about the creative process.

I'm very glad that my contest stimulates research and creativity.. that's its aim! Yes I agree with the need of a balance 😉

I'm actually building a pseudo theory on my quoted sentence.. and you will read it iny own development of this story. Thanks for your appreciation bud!

I'm less impressed with Nietzsche than with your use of verse--when you think about it, in the Middle Ages there were no novels. Everything was verse. I think you use it very effectively. The menace to me is greater because he decides to deliver his threats in poetry--except for the last threat, of course.

Have to vote later--VP lean.

🤠 Awesome!

I really liked the idea of him finishing the piece he’d been working on. Nietzsche provided a way to make that work while going off of the concept of Horror Vacui.

I really liked the Nietzsche reference and the menacing poetry by Mendo, almost prophetic in style and so Nietzschian. Good job!

Thanks, mate.

Week #27 is served on a silver dish for you, brave storyteller!

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