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RE: The Extraordinary Café [my entry to Finish the Story #48]

Sorry for being late, finally got some time to make a comment before I lose myself to another bout of sleepy naps. Like I have to repeat to other posts, this was a coprompt between me and @calluna. I mean, there's a reason she was mentioned in the contest page post. Nae worries, but keep that in mind for whenever people are mentioned to be working together. Anywho, unto the post!

La filosofía del texto (The philosophy of the text): Ah!~ The beautiful presentation of the "modern problem of technology" - much not insulting either party. Matt fully aware he is on a fone (phone) and the old man cranky (and probably not realizing the irony) of contemporary culture which just reflects a modern technological edge to his yesteryears. Really shows that despite small content changes, form really does matter for things; his music to Matt's contemporary music, the newspaper to the fone (phone); his yada yada yada to Matt's so on and so on (yes this was getting tired, let's move on, but let's give a celebration to that @curie upvote! Hoorah!~). Then we get to central problem of the ending, with the beginning of the ending as a more farcical joke of the tragedy of how generations get consumed by their own tech: the spouse that cares not for personality but the indulgence of wealth. Though much a critique (and somehow placed symbolized and shown through non-males) of Capitalism and the moneyed relations it has permeated to every bit of culture the World has long been running with, the usual response of the cheated spouses not fighting over the cheater nor one spouse just "winning" over the other has been entirely evaded. In fact, the term I was looking for was "subverted" and subverted it was that she hadn't a clue where they went. But this shouldn't a subversion, at least at another time; yet with how much media portrays the male figures fighting over non-males, it was a much needed subversion than a funny one to stick to golddigers. And upon that note, it's very much clear that the main interests of the cheater is not what is in the cheated spouses but what they can provide on their own grounds. She easily, if she had really wanted to, developed a polyamorphic relationship; especially since the male figures were getting along just fine. Instead, she's merely a husk of a deeply rooted problem of moneyed relationships and how that makes impossible for relationships to be stable and breakups to be more than money. As I reading to the end, despite a huge pecking age gap, it felt much like a brotherly/fraternal (possibly gay if age wasn't a problem) relationship that was kindled when they realized the absurdity of moneyed relationships. (On a sidenote to return to what I said earlier on non-males being an odd signifier for the ills of a system: it very much is a problem and often writers like to use these times to also present their misogyny full force along with describing an ill with a Social Order, per se Capitalism. This post, at least in my eyes, has avoided misogynistic posing and stuck much a deep bowie knife into moneyed relationships. Of course us Eastern Europeans would know how to actually critique things better than those damned Western Europeans still harping on tropey stereotypes. Of course, everything I said and all mój Ukochany, @calluna, said will apply here as well~ :p)

La forma (The form): I love, love, love, love (times that all by four) the usage of small paragraphs and constant dialogueing all about. Very much sticking to the flow of a course of events passing through instead of following an impressionist or abstract expressionist piece of writing. Feels like a realism, but a realism that isn't down-trodden literally seventy-five percent of the time but a half of the time; the usage of real-life as a means to create a critique on the very real things of society and revealing, parcel-package-wise, a change away from the established norms with people giving the smallest of actions (which could lead into bigger actions; where contingencies become necessities of why things came about). Of course, what should I expect, less from mój serbski przyjaciel (my Serbian friend)!?! Nie, the Slavics shall weird all out by actually taking life by the horns and later transcribing what we saw in those fiery eyes unto paper with our blood or a drip of the honorable fighter that is life itself!

So keep on writing those works no matter what those damn Western / Global North writers tell you, develop a god damn Eastern European standard and let's go be happy on STEEMIT TOGETHER! URAH!~

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