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RE: The Extraordinary Café - Finish The Story Contest - Week #48

(Quick mention, me and @calluna made the story together. So update the intro prompt card please! Thanks!~)

If you were looking for a form breakdown, look at mój Ukochany's (@calluna's) comment for that one. She got me covered, but now lemme cover down a point like the auxiliary I shall be for this entry: la filosofía del texto (the philosophy of the text).

Así, ¿la filosofía del texto? Without going full Spanish, let's actually talk for now in English. The strongest one I can feel (with some other ones which easily can contend) in this prompt is the philosophy of self-help from the future (the Grandfather's paradox but instead of killing we helped our past self). With this tract stabilizing, let's look at how this overarching one works throughout the post (which is equally a strong one contending with other strong but subordinate philosophies that do play a crucial role). The point being is that Future-Matt is interacting with Past-Matt as to correct his mistake to perfect his future even by a slight bit. Equally confirming that this takes on a time theory that there's no alternative universe (or a restricted monoverse) and only one tract which can be modified on the go but makes impossible the other branching paths on these tracts. (For which I subscribe more to the fact that if people can go back in time they either are: a, ghosts which can affect nothing because they can't do anything or, b, materially manipulated a part/whole of the Universe as to get back to a certain spot of time without a guarantee that what has been modified will turn out to be what they were aiming for. But in both cases, future them survives because technically if they were there to begin with they easily survived material manipulation and the Universe is a dynamically/dialectically changing beast instead of a metaphysical one.)

Yet let's get to the other ones, or really the one I wanna talk about: the ugly of life. It's truly funny how I (and @calluna) set it up where we could make the protagonist's love interest a manipulator, hell it fits and repaints the prompt just right enough to make it work. Yet there's a thing where you not only avoid the blurry line of misogyny and "yeah there's bad people" with the love interest, but completely veered away from going on the misogynistic tract of blaming non-males and making innocent males. And I must congratulate you on that, even though it isn't nor should be a hard thing to pull off (I only say this in the light of how often I see this Western / Global North literature having subtle or internalized misogyny, don't get me wrong there's literature in Eastern / Global Periphery countries being misogynistic as well).

So yeah, good job writing this entry; needs more love to be quite honest.


Hablas español??? Wao! Me encantan los comentarios gigantes!!!! (No estoy siendo sarcástico, de verdad me encantan, obviamente, cuando estan dirigidos hacia mi)

Do you speak Spanish??? Wow! I love giant comments !!!! (I'm not being sarcastic, I really love them, obviously, when they're for me)

(Quick mention, me and @calluna made the story together. So update the intro prompt card please! Thanks!~)

Already done!

About the theory of time travel, you need to consider the effect of a black hole that allows you to play with the timeline of your own universe. But I can see that you have studied all the facts about considering a trip in time and its effects. I loved it.

A long time ago, I wrote a time travel love story and it was a disaster

In the misogynist part, I don't consider my stories to be misogynist. Young Matt's psychological problems are to blame. Usually, ALL problems are caused by ourselves, always. In the case of young Matt, for his sake of trying to please everyone (being accepted), as old Matt observes. She never played a part of young Matt's problem.

But thanks for the comment, it is good that I review that part of my being. Although if you knew Susan's secret, you would see that I idolize women,

I'm really glad you took the time to read the story and do an analysis of it. It is not easy to do what you and @calluna do. And, finally, I really feel that I can begin to improve my writing skills.

Thank you very much.

Sí, hablo español. (Yes, I speak Spanish.)

Thanks again for correcting it!

Yeah, it's a tricky topic; there's time travelling worm tunnels and black holes. But has anybody considered a God-esque version where people have the ability to reverse material flow of a galaxy to a previous state (assuming we can "perfectly" do that, thus I off-kilter the error by saying no guarantees of future being exact as a possibility).

I didn't say your story was misogynist, I said that stories involving females and non-males can lend themselves into. Which I further clarified that your story didn't lend itself to misogynist tropes. And of course there has to be an acceptance of an individual, but we cannot atomize the individual because he isn't the only actor in the problem as that lends itself to victim blaming. Because we can extend this problem very easily to controversial subjects like victims suffering sexual violence; are you going to extend that same truth statement to them and say they allowed themselves to get sexually assaulted? I would surely hope not, because the majority of cases, so I swear by God and the Data collected, the victim didn't cause themselves to be assaulted. More-so, the problem extends way deeper than the perpetrator of the sexual violence and goes to whole issues of how people feel they can be justified to commit such actions upon others. (Here we can easily get into the messiness of cultures, how culture reproduces itself and what generates culture to begin with and how that culture can be snapped by that generator if the generator finds the culture to be too dangerous for it reproduce at any given state.)

As it isn't just people's decision-making moving around, but the contingent background pieces and necessary influences which informs people's decision making processes at any given moment; yet one can decide to act against a motion and get support from others to change the motion, which then that feeds back to the setting to create new people and modify existing ones as time goes on. Just the nature of any given situation: pour acid on a thing, thing corrodes but the acid is used up; yet nothing guaranteed the acid would be there nor that the thing cannot still retain the properties of pre-acidified thingness. But neither seemed to be the whole cause of any given situation and everything needs to be accounted for despite varying levels of influences.

But again, yes there needs to be a victim for a problem to exist - but often the victim isn't the sole causing element. She had to find out that young Matt was manipulable and Matt had to present that trait (for which old Matt overcame later on in life in an undetermined fashion), but she had to act on it while Matt had to believe it wasn't a problem for the problem to become a problem later on in life. Or more complexly put: She had to perpetuate the problem (for X reason or Y set of reasons which can be contingent problems in her life which now necessitates this scenario into being) for Matt to suffer, but Matt does play in the role in keeping the cycle up if he (or external actor that internalizes themself into the problematic field) does nothing to bust it up. As we can both see, our philosophies can easily imagine this scenario up and arrive at the same/similar endings - yet I just find it crass to believe that the victim is qua the sole cause for the problem. For me, an outlook where the victim is the sole cause of problems denies basic human decency towards a person's being and, at the same time, denies an efficient response to actually overcoming this problem to begin with.

Well, it's a secret, so don't spoil it! (Just remember to not trophy people, denies a basic human decency for people. However, being infatuated with a group for what they do, can do and will do is whole another subject and more respectable.) ;^

Glad to be of some service, at least to generate some banter.

Welcome again and thanks for sharing the story once again!!!!~ <3

(And before anyone asks, tak I am an Eastern European / Slavic [Polish]; we tend to very much pay attention to the littlest of details, and can often switch between fun mode and serious mode like flipping a pancake.)

Did someone see the license plate of the truck that hit me?

YAY! Another super comment! I love it!

... no guarantees of future being exact as a possibility ...

That's true! Every decision we make generate thousands of possible alternatives, so future always changes itself

I didn't say your story was misogynist ...

My bad!

(BTW, English is not my native language, it's Spanish. Maybe, I was lost in translation)

About the next three big overwhelming paragraphs, you need to consider a very important point: Karma (Is a b*tch, I know), the principle of Cause and effect (obviously, if you believe in karma as I do). From that point of view, not even injustices exist

It's very interesting the way you think. I really like your comments and your avatar too

Well, thanks again for passing by

PS: Is "tak" a czech word?

Hue!~ I did and ain't telling because the truck is already been deconstructed by a giant spaghetti number.

Yay, super comments!~

Welcome to Inderterminist/Dialectics gang.

Nae wories (nae is no in Scots English).


Well consider this next point: Karma can only work if there's Eternal Justice floating about and fixing errors of life. But of course this is a point we cannot reconcile due to me believing in the Dialectical Materialist school of thought and you a more Metaphysically inclined school of thought.

The avatar is Ashley from WarioWare btw ~^^~

Post Scriptum: Tak is Yes in English.

That was fast!

... giant spaghetti number.

You're so funny!

Welcome to Inderterminist/Dialectics gang.


... Dialectical Materialist school ...

Fascinating (As Spock would say)

So ...

Tak means yes???? and Nae is No ...

Every day we learn something!

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