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RE: Finish the Fiction Story Contest - Week #36 - @bananafish

If only that were the case that people can fully be pinpointed for their actions. That is to say that humans had full control of their destiny when they clearly haven’t. And if thou speaks of that one Socrates quote, I have done my digging and found it in a book that mentions a character named “Socrates” but not the “Socrates” of the Heroic Age of Greece.

Regardless, people do have an ability to outright overthrow the system if they band together. Thou hast to remember that the revolutions are the cry of the people who wish to no longer be oppressed. Yet, wherever a revolution spawns, it must not only search to increase the freedom of the people but also maintain those freedoms by securing the material conditions that can continue to propagate those conditions.

Yet ah, thou may step back and say what of Susie’s World. And I would say, she lives in a NeoLiberal World that has broken and torn asunder the notion of Human Coexistence way before she was born. So already she cannot know what coexisting means, only from the footnotes of history can she dare to muse it. But ah, the footnotes; why are they merely footnotes? Is it because NeoLiberalism had done better than Human Coexistence, well no. It’s because it’s afraid of people organizing around interests of the people for the people. NeoLiberalism can’t stand others realizing and abandoning the false dichotomy of individualism and collectivism; for if people done that, they can see that the system propagates their class for the benefit of those that rule and they are only given the minimal amount to reproduce their labor-power for another day. The only thing the people have to realize that the only thing they have to lose is their chains and they have everything to gain.

For, as to quote the Greeks, “a society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” And I must remind thou that there are many people around the World that yearn to Coexist as Humans and not with someone that forces people to be subordinates. And those very same people long tried to appease and ask for more scraps, only to rarely get those granted to them. And realistically, most of the time, they get brutally beaten for suggesting it. So don’t dare to say that they must continue to beg when they decide instead to go to the people and show them the history of the system and say a better World is possible. For these people have already declared “this is a life not worth living and I shall fight, even if it hurt me immensely, to take control over my destiny with others that have been also robbed of their destinies. And why to do so: that the future generations will never have to feel alienated, estranged and can fully experience having control with their own destinies.”

And we can bicker of moral rights and wrongs, but remember that a revolution is only the self-defence of the people and can never be more than that. And remember this also: the building of the New Social Order will always be on top of the Old Social Order. As even our current Social Order had to come into existence somehow, and we know it didn’t make an excuse for itself. Because if it did it, then that would be an admission of guilt. And to further this, know this: only humans can change their own conditions, but the conditions had to be revealed to them by the conditions in order for that change to happen.

The day we can act in accordance with Kant’s categorical imperatives is the day when Humans have control over their own destiny. More-so, that they can truly coexist without a breath of hatred for one another. A day when thy dreams can be realized and lived, and that’s equally the dreams of the revolutionaries fighting for a new World.


One can feel imprisoned between the free and feel completely free between all the prisoners.

Susie is one who lives in a modern world (like us now more or less). She doesn't seem to feel free and is only interested in herself, represented by her selfish behaviour at the old lady's bed (disinterest, impatience). She didn't need to steal anything because she wouldn't have starved to death. The context of this story makes this clear.

Another nurse (as I cast "Natalie" in my own sequel) is so free to react to the situation and Mrs. Ellerton in a completely different way. The class struggle and the revolution should not take place at the senior's bed. I believe that political thinking and action can be found precisely in such scenes. You see a Susie as a victim. But who wouldn't you want to sacrifice in this scene if you told the story differently? What would you do to let everyone win in this specific situation?

I don't think we disagree. I think you and I have the heart in the right place. ;-)

I think I have done bad to even misread thy reply @erh.germany. For methinks at first thou was talking of humanity fighting for a future but thou was sincerly talking about illegalism. So lemme take the courage to fix this error in both of our readings.

So lemme reconstitute my argument clearly:

  1. Within our World and the World of the Story, we find parallels to class struggles and class interests.
  2. Though the action is morally condemnable by assumed human coexistence. It is more condemnable that Susie is hurting the class interest of Mrs Ellerton because the boach could’ve helped the grand daughter.
  3. However Capitalism had forced her to compete within her class to survive.
C1. Her theft and stealing of the possession was necesitated for her to live another day.

C2. We, as observers from far away, shouldn’t be surprised of the act though we can have our passions stirred by it.

C3. This action in no way implies radical emancipation of the Working Class, nor has my argument stated she’s a revolutionary. It is possible she could become one, but she is not one now and her consciousness is still plagued by individual survival in a system that benefits with her committing these actions. Or to say, she follows symptomatic behaviours and she has yet to realize such.

And for such I do apologize for not realizing and helping steer the argument back on course. Yet before we go and discuss things, we should make clear what we do say. Or forever we shall be blind that we never thought ourselves one-and-in-the-same and bickering about two different things when we both were talking of the same thing originally.

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