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RE: Sharp Clouds in Eden (Finish The Story Entry)

Le may may time:
Your ending =

Okay, shits-n-giggles aside, let’s get unto the real deal and ignore that ship graveyard over there. I love the bittersweetness of yer ending, going from straight from the leave off point to continuing the dialouge to then end it off with what the actual sensation in the fingertips was. I like how she’s HackerWomanTM as well with all those uploads and gave the anti-Imperials a chance to do something incredible. I like how this took a SFF (Science Fiction and Fantasy) twist here with Nature basically squashing the Commander and their space-cruiser.

La filosofía: I noticed here it continued the irredentialist feeling from the start, translated in your ending as a National struggle against a galatic-earthsized empire. Not only that, but making Heitor/husbando a real entity however recreated he was to show how irredentialist she went against the empire. Moreover, that even without being a Terminator or leader that she still played her part despite it being just a middle finger to the Empire and no real sympathies to any anti-empire groups. Yet that bio-weapon ending was just sweet and what I expected out of the greenscape our protag found herself in. The obscenty that marks off the true sign of change despite just simply crushing the ship, it takes to the reader as a sign that the Empire now has real competition with its secrets expoused. They weren’t ready and now they pay the ultimate price.

Good one, mój Ukochany!~


Aww damn why didn't I use that image for it!!

<3 thank you so much!! I figured most biologists can code, should have dropped a little "I'm in!"TM to go with lol. It was the line;

The Empire has no sovereignty over this soil.

I knew there had to be a retaliation of nature! That mention of soil, yep, has to be the actual physical soil there that she means, now why could that be ... GIANT PLANT TITAN, that's why!

and that is exactly what i was going for, one of many individuals who can only believe the others exist somewhere out there <3 That's it, they rocked up there with no idea of the power she'd created with the secrets she stole. So of course she had to die, so they empire could get a demonstration of the titan in action. What can i say, was feeling a bit of that irredentist vibe ;)

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