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RE: Another Bananafish feature

in #finishthestory6 years ago (edited)

UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments! I liked yer Kanye West joke analysis on the end. Guilty as admitted, I was watching some surrealistic content and some included Kanye as this great teacher or aide (of course, ‘twas a joke but still). So I was totally ready for when I saw the only ripped quote in this comment for something crazy and insane. The fault in the joke analysis isn’t a problem with yah but more a problem with how English treated “ye.” Cause “ye” used to be “all of you” then somehow, to English folk alone, an abbreviated form for đe (đe olde pub -> ye olde pub) then finally a word used by Kanye.

Escaping from the joke analysis, the thing I falter with one of your points is that Yoh/Fortuna didn’t lament singing the final tune; Yoh/Fortuna laments not singing it before, in Yoh’s/Fortuna’s words, the Jailors jailed/enslaved themselves from Yoh/Fortuna. (Of course while I would like to bring Simone de Beavoiur and Jean-Paul Sartre to this, probably best to save the existentialists for another day.) Regardless, Yoh/Fortuna cannot see themselves as the trapped one even when all these devices supresses Yoh’s/Fortuna’s abilities to effect the Universe at large. Yah might want to look at Jevil (Chaos! Chaos!) as a reason why.

And there was a reason why I made Yoh call themselves Fortuna and cite being a child of both Order and Chaos. The quote by Seneca: “Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity.” As Fortuna sees both equally valid yet paradoxical things existing seperately, which eventually forms an antinomy of Chaos and Order. As of which, the citation of being the child of both is that Fortuna resolves this antinomy and brought the two together. Which further, as being the first entity of this resolve, feels difficult calling the shots while letting things slide because all the shots necessary to call were shot already. As the God of Luck (Fortuna), it truly is a difficult job.

Now I brought Theseus’s ship as both a reminder (of the limits of Metaphysics with its vacuum viewing of things and static notion of objects) and an allegorical example. Albeit I abused Theseus’s ship to secretly say that despite changes, Ethan is still the Checker he possesed yet clearly they are more than a possessed checker. For what matters is if the ever-changing thing can properly inherit the title and function of a thing, that’s what made the checker the checker. Sure you had all these base materials, but it was the play-offs the materials that made the checker the checker. To return to something not possessed and real, Theseus’s ship still can be called Theseus’s ship even after the first wave strikes and splinters an itty-bitty wood off its hull. Why? The function still remains and it still inherits the title (reminder that the function depends on the play-offs of the material in an object and their general form). So really, the call to Theseus’s ship was to snark at Metaphysics with an uppercase M.

{In reference to “play-offs” that I mentioned, I cite the line: the Whole is more than the sum of its parts. Because the Whole is not an additive thing, it’s also contains multiplicative things as well. The Whole contains every function of its limbs (the additive parts) but also the play-offs (the multiplicative parts) of the limbs. Take for example the human body: we are all the limbs, heck even all the cells, but we are more than that. We are all the play-offs the cells which form the human limbs but also the play-offs of the limbs and also the mutual aide of the cells that work together to propel the human body forward. Thus, why I simply said play-offs as a mere reference to this whole other philosophical thing... if yah want we can easily extend this to Fortuna being both Chaos and Order and there play-offs. For which, to forcefullt end this, I cite Marx’s third thesis in his Theses of Feuerbach: "The [Metaphysical/Determinist/Pure] materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by [humans] and that it is essential to educate the educator himself."}


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