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RE: Lucid Dream - Finish the Story Entry for Week #37

The morning sun's rays crested the hills above a valley on Legia Six. A soft breeze fluttered the petals of flowers made of sandwiches, sending up a faint scent of mustard. From a hollow, two rabbits came out to nibble.

it might seem disrespectful that of your whole story full of drama for the eternal human search for a higher sense of life, but this is where "brisbyty" emerges, and perhaps, the meaning of human life is precisely our ability to dream , imagine and create in turn (after all, according to the Bible we are "in the image and likeness" of the Creator).
Mine is an absolute non-believer perspective, and I like to joke with everything, so I apologize if I can not give the necessary gravity to this topic.


I didn't feel disrespected one bit. I wanted people to laugh at flowers made from sandwiches (pastrami on rye with mustard and complete with a pickle stem)! None of us truly know what or if there is a purpose to anything outside of what we make of it. That is personal and where faith, for some, comes in. And I ALWAYS want laughter. When I was a kid, without laughter (and yes I'm meaning laughter at especially the dark and scary bits in life) I don't know what I would have done.

No apologies needed if you speak how you feel. Not ever and not to me please and thank you. 🤗

P.S. "brisbyty" eh? Thanks for that!

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