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RE: The Town That Changed - Finish The Story Week #24 Entry

in #finishthestory6 years ago

Ooo I love a good phenonanomaly. Some fantastic descriptions in there and a great ponder on the burden of responsibility in letting him decide, for reality is only what it can be perceived as, and is a life spent suffering better than no life at all. who can decide that for another. Beautifully deep <3

I like to think his mum was ok, that her boyfriend spent the rest of his life living in fear of upsetting her, and prompting the return of her otherworldly son!


Many thanks calluna! :D I agree completely about the burden of making a choice like that for another. I can imagine a decision like that making even a godly being uneasy!

As for his mum, the way I choose to imagine it is that her boyfriend does indeed spend the rest of his life trying to be a model husband. At first he does it just to keep from being annihilated, but as time goes by he comes to actually respect and even love her for her own sake, and he levels up into a somewhat better human being. Theo's final act and Vartuk's first miracle. :) Thanks for the great opening and letting everybody run with it!

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