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RE: Leitner

in #finishthestory5 years ago (edited)

The flowers, her voice, the chest punch, there is so much beautiful scenery painting here, and it comes together so well to create a tone perfect for the supernatural showdown.

Melinda has shown her true colours, and he can't deny it anymore. There is a story in here about how he put up with so much from her, and she took complete advantage of that for her own gain, only to finally push him too far, and him see her for the person she was.

The way you pull on the dark magic is brilliant, and then having Benjamin think about various things on the way in at first seems like background detail, but oh then ties in the ending so very well, for Melinda the mindreader was listening, his thoughts needed to remain occupied for his plan to work, oh i do love it when threads all come together. Then this woman having driven his mother to suicide, a terrible relationship with the mother-in-law indeed, which does pick up nicely on the general disapproval of Melinda in the first half. Then the final moments, the plan coming into action, Benjamin finally overcoming Melinda, fantastic!

What I think I love most, is that you maintain Benjamin's compassion, his retribution hidden in the vessel of her betrayal.

~ Calluna


I do bow to you. Thanks for the review. haha

Most of this piece was actually born from notes I was taking on a completely different subject. I did some clustering, playing around with words and phrases.

I like your perspective here:

... for Melinda the mindreader was listening, his thoughts needed to remain occupied for his plan to work, ...

I didn't think of it like that. Neat. It helps the piece make better sense to me.

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