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RE: Grimm

in #finishthestory5 years ago (edited)

Bananafish flag2.png

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Just the first attempt... looks ok, doesn't it? :-P

Maybe remove the white splotches on the flag or repaint them yellow :*3

They're holes as the flag is thorn like a pirate one..

Maybe a bit of transparency a bit, wait I shall photoshop some transparency through the holes~

Blamo, real holes now:
Novum kalium pirata.png

Real holes, no flag 😅

That’s the point :p
Now go make those white splotches yellow!

No sorry I want a thorn pirate flag! It's more epic and what are we if not steemit pirates? 😁

Okay, I'll work me magic now and take it seriously :p

Here yah go c:
Novum kalium pirata.png

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