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RE: Grimm

in #finishthestory5 years ago (edited)

What an ending!! Straight in with the shocking twists! Melinda never wrote him!! Had she been kidnapped by Grimm!? And Benjamin, try as he might, couldn't save her, well, more couldn't save himself, or her. I wonder what he was, that he employed a being like Grimm to protect his family name, and the slaughter hinted at, was it commanded? Or lamented?

And troupe master, master of a troupe of bats, and an unseen ever watching audience he reveals with a flash. And the assault of bats at the end, what a way to go!

Dear Benjamin did not know his former contractor as well as he thought, or seriously underestimated him, a lesson in neglecting ones role, especially when you aren't the only player on the board. I love the flintlocks, and the way you paint the characters, it feels very appropriate for the setting.

You pick this up so well from the off, starting by maintaining the tone, the internal monologue, but slowly slipping and twisting as though through a dream into something far more surreal. Watch out Europe! Ahhh so this is why the UK wanted out, avoid the rampage of Grimm and the troupes ;)

~ Calluna


UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments, Kit Cal! Leitner was a screwed up person that [reference to specific type of lantern deleted] and summoned the Nightmare Heart into his World. And the Nightmare was willing to dedicate as much resources to keep this agent alive, yet Leitner had eventually abandoned his duties and suffered for his non-integrity. Perhaps Grimm truly knew of the Leitner-Melinda relationship and told a little birdie to freak her out or maybe she was truly innocent, but it matters not now. On the Ritual, well wait for the extended stort maybe; but I think @dirge’s comment is a good enough of a hint to know what this Ritual is.

Indeed, Grimm Troupe is a Troupe Master/Leader for a reason. He can dance, he protects Grimmchild but most importantly: he consumes rot.

I already covered, by accident, the thing above; yet let that ambiguity still reign in because Leitner’s mind was and still be dumb in either case. But dzięki on noticing the flintlocks and how I paint characters!~

Indeed, perhaps the Grimm Troupe is the Nightmare King himself. But yes, watch out Europe! As Grimm and his Troupe will carousel around Europe for any-n-all rot to consume. For any new kingdom needs breathing space to live, you know?

Thanks for being the commenter @calluna~

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