Finish The Fiction Story (week 7)

This will be my second time completing a story, started by @f3nix. Each week, there is a story posted for us to complete. You read what @f3nix started, and then you add how you think the story will/should go. I love a good challenge, so off I go.
The Script

Shintiara's planet once moved around a binary system of stars, but one of them suddenly collapsed. Shintiara is now a world over which a star and a black hole struggle for dominance, causing great temporal paradoxes.
Murya, the fallen star, is attracting the world towards a black hole where time and space will disappear and all will be swallowed by The Void. While Shintiara approaches the point of no return of Murya’s gravitational field, the so-called event horizon, unbelievable temporal paradoxes happen on its surface: objects, living beings and whole places appear, recalled from the past or from the future.

In short, in this fantasy-medieval kind of setting some totally out of place items (or even whole cities!) can pop out from nothing due to the temporal anomaly.
Precisely in this ancient world, on the brink of the chasm and in continuous struggle between chaos and order, appears an unexpected artifact: artificial intelligence XOO-711.
It comes from a distant future, where the inhabitants of Shintiara first learned to fear and then rigidly dictate a corpus juris for the restricted use of artificial intelligence, although they never gave up benefiting from this technology.
In that future Shintiara, after the apocalyptic incident remembered as "Arioch's singularity", no AI's production is allowed without the incorporation of a specific limiter, also called "superego".
Too bad that XOO's superego hardware remained there in the future.
I forgot to tell you: XOO presents itself as a sweet teddy bear.


Mack was on his way home to his family. He had been on the road for a few weeks when things started falling from the sky. Bellina, his wife, told him over the phone that some strange object landed in the yard. They called Renovo their home for 15 years now. They heard stories of alien presence 100 years ago, in what used to be Reno, Nevada. So he was a bit concerned for their safety.

"Honey, do not go near it whatever you do. Same with the kids. I will be home in a few hours."

"Ok, I will do my best. You know how the boys are."

"I mean it, Bellina. Keep them safe. Love you, see... all of a sudden the phone went silent except for a buzzing noise.
At that, Mack pushed his truck even harder. Two hours after they talked, he slammed the truck in park and ran inside to grab his taser gun, went to the side of the yard she pointed towards.

As he approached the object, he thought he saw something move. He crouched down, in hopes that the dusk would hide his being seen, by whatever it was. There! Movement! He saw it again and he ran to the side of the shed for cover.
At first he thought he was seeing things and shook his head to clear his vision. "What the." Whatever it was, looked like a teddy bear. "I must be losing," he thought. He approached the bear, with his taser at the ready.

"Who are you. Where did you come from?"

"I am from the future. Your planet, my planet, are in grave danger. I am XOO-711. My ship got caught in a gravitational pull and caused me to crash here."

"How is that possible? 100 years ago, Robots and such were outlawed, to never be made again."

"Did you say 100 years? In my world it is 300 years ago. I was discovered by a young teen and rebuild. But....

Just then the ground around them shook and his shed got sucked off the ground. "Hurry, we need to get my ship inside your home. I need power to it."

Just as Mack went to pick up the ship, which was heavier than it looked, they heard something buzzing from the sky. Mack and the bear ran to the house. XOO looked out the window and saw another one of his planets ships. They were hovering above the ground. Mack turned to his family and told them stay away from the windows and stay low.

"Oh this is not good," said XOO. "They are from my world. Do not fear them." At that, he ran outside to talk with the others. Macks jaw dropped at the sight of them. They waved for him to come outside.

"I am Neina, the garduan. This is Zek. We got XOO's signal. We must get his ship running. Please, show us power source."

At that, they went inside and Zek began repairs. "How is he doing that so fas......another loud sound echoed in the air.
Neina ran outside and looked up. "The black hole is opening more. We've not much time, Zek."

Zek's specialty was being techno fanatic. He was lightening fast at building and repairing. 15 minutes later, the ship was ready and fully charged. Mack helped them carry it outside. They hooked it to the other ship. As XOO was getting strapped in, the ground began to shudder. He turned to see a tree come up through his front porch. He yelled at his family to run out the back door.

"We must go now!" Neina told Zek to take off. The speed at which they vanished, made a loud pop sound. Mack ran to his family and they jumped into his truck.

Neina asked XOO if he was ready for release. At the ok, she pushed the button and XOO shot right to the star. He was ready to save both worlds. That was what he was build for.

Well, this was a bit harder to write than I thought. Hope you all liked it.


Wow! I like it very much! You put in the story the Garduan, and even the techno-fanatic vocation. I'm honored that you get information about Shintiara before writing.
I like your ending, sacrifice for the savign of the universe!

You also did some research about Shintiara, kudos to you! I made a script to make things easier not harder 😉 But I understand you, it's difficoult to stop when you're in the middle of the action!

Lol, the script was easy going, but I was trying very hard to keep the story as short as possible. :-) And making sure I added blips from each era, lol.

Impressive, my friend. Keep it up!

I like it. You really did a good job. I hope she likes it.

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