YOU Are The Most Amazing Human Being

in #fingerprint8 years ago (edited)

                                          YOU ARE UNIQUE

You-yes, you--right there, reading this sentence--you are a unique and amazing human being. There has never been, and never will be, anyone like you again-EVER.  Now, on one level, you already know this. You've heard it all your life, but maybe you've never thought about what it really means. Parts of your wonderful anatomy prove my point that you are uniquely amazing:


That's right. Even though there are 7.4 billion people on this planet --no one else has your fingerprints.  Some of them may be close--don't those whorls, loops and arches all look very similar? And what is really cool is that arches are found in only about 5% of fingerprint patterns--and these are separated into four types: plain arches, radial arches, ulnar arches and tented arches.  Loops occur in about 60 to 70% of fingerprint patterns, and whorls are seen in about 25-35 % of fingerprint patterns.  That means an unending combination is possible. No matter how many people are crowded onto this planet, no one will ever have your combination. Even if you've never been fingerprinted,  your fingerprints identify who you are from every other person alive. But that's not the only way you can be identified as a separate individual:


Your DNA is so unique to you that one researcher stated:  "the probability that two different people have the same set of mutations, just in this set of common mutations, is 0.99^990,000 * 0.01^10,000 which is an astronomically tiny number.  You have a better shot of randomly choosing the same atom in the known universe twice than you do of having two different people getting the same set of mutations twice."


Science has proven it. But what does it mean to you? Does it affect your life today-right now?

As amazing and unique as you are, what really makes you distinctive? It's your personality, your thoughts, your actions that make you the wonderful and special person that you are. Your smile can affect strangers. Try it! When you smile, and your eyes show warmth, total strangers will smile back. They can't help it.  

When you compliment someone: "Wow! That color looks great on you!" you can actually affect another person's thoughts, actions, and mood.  Try it! It works every time.

When you think good thoughts about someone, even if you don't say a word, your body language is talking.  Try it! Do an experiment of your own. Be conscious of not only your body language, but how the other person responds. 

All of this can happen because you are unlike any other person on this planet. What you do every day affects someone else. That can be a powerful thing. You are amazing. Never forget it.

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