Banks Are Ready for the Next Crash – You’re Not!
Since the economic crisis 2007-2008, the world's economy hasn't recovered and in fact is dipping towards a total collapse. Many economists and financial experts have warned of the imminent financial collapse in 2018.
Greenspan: Bond bubble about to break because of 'abnormally low' interest rates
- Former Fed Chief Alan Greenspan said "abnormally low" interest rates will break a bubble in the bond markets.
- Greenspan is famous for warning markets about "irrational exuberance" and the consequences it can bring.
When YOUR Bank Fails, Don’t Walk … Run!
Banks Are Ready for the Next Crash – You’re Not!
The banks know the next crash is coming. Like 2007, they have set in motion the next great(est) recession. Predator banks know that most people, thanks to the aforementioned financial control, media omission and an inferior education system, are “stupid,” especially regarding the nuances of financial fraud. As the majority of Americans and Europeans live in the illusion that their financial institutions will protect their savings, they miss their bank’s greedy preparations for the next stock market crash slithering through the halls of their Parliament or Congress. This already completed legislation states in plain English, and the language of endemic corruption, that your bank intends to steal your money directly from your savings account. And … your government will let them do this to you. - Activistpost
Imho and observation of the way things have been going for the past decade, I do agree that we're now at the end time of the fall of the (stinking to high heavens) financial system.
Am hodling gold and cryptos...why not?