Islamic Banking in Indonesia ( Islamic Banking Finance)

in #financial6 years ago

In the economy of a country one financial institution that has a strategic value is a bank financial institution. The institution is intended as an intermediary between parties who have excess funds with the parties who lack the funds. Bank financial institutions are engaged in lending activities, and the various services provided by banks serve the financing needs as well as launch a payment system mechanism for all economic factors.


Shariah Islam as a shariah brought by the last apostle, has its own uniqueness. Sharia is not only comprehensive or comprehensive but also universal. This special character is needed because there will be no other shari'a coming to perfect it. Islamic Shariah summarizes all aspects of life, both ritual (worship) and social (muamalah) and can be applied in any time and place until the end of the day.

The revival of fundamental values ​​has spawned the Islamization of the financial sector with the focus of interest-free banks (or widely known as Islamic Banking). In general, the definition of Islamic Banking (Islamic Banking) is a bank whose operations are adjusted to the principles of Islamic sharia.

And in Islamic banking, the banks make different investments from conventional banks, the Islamic banks meraka make loans but make a contract first, so do not become usury.
If in a conventional bank they used to call it with interest, whereas in Islamic banks they used to call it profit sharing, and the procedure of different counting.

There are some basic principles of Islamic banks:

  • With the principle of deposits or deposits of Al wadi'ah
  • The principle of profit sharing Al Mudharabah
  • The principle of murabahah(purchase and purchase agreement between the bank and the customer)
  • al musharaka (Society or sharing)

So for those of you who want to save but afraid of usury or others, you do not have to worry, because in Indonesia especially in aceh already many Islamic bank.

So just this my post for today, do not forget vote and follow me.


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