Can I create a New #DigitalNomad life traveling around the world thanks to Dtube and Steemit?

in #financial5 years ago

Well I guess the question for all of us it is always the same... How to stop this rat race we are all in and free ourself from the financial burned we are all in...

Don't you agree with me?

So my question is this... Does anyone here believes that in it is possible some how in today society be able to constantly travel overseas, maybe Sought East Asia for the lowcost/highquality beach lifestyle and paying NOTAX simply because most of your income has beed created online and because you would be outside your country for over 6 months and 1 day?


Well I'm looking for your personal Answer to Truly understand if this is just a dream of mine of if this is something achievable...

Love you all and wish you all best luck in achieving the dreams you are set to achieve !1_o983jlqyjQJzm0RXjtdxIw.jpeg


I would love to hear what you got to say... so please comment and let's start a conversation...

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