Financial intelligence III.

in #finance6 years ago


There is no denying the fact that our finance is important and how we manage it speaks a lot about who we are and also about how far we can go.

Finance is really important and it speaks volume as to determine what you can achieve and not achieve. Not every money that comes into our hands has to be spent. Not every money is a bread, but a seed and when I mean a seed, I mean something to invest, to bring about a greater increase for you. If what you are to use as a seed is consumed as a bread, then such a person would be at the mercy of others because as an economist, resources are limited and our desires and wants are unlimited.

This post seeks to address how we can have a better understanding of how our finance works, so we can make good use of what comes into our hands. If we manage our cash flows well (what comes in and goes out), then we can plan our lives well and manage situations better.




In the last post, I talked about giving 6 points on how to set working financial goals.

How do we set reasonable and working financial goals? We need to be S.S.M.A.R.T about it.


  1. S - Stretch:

If your financial goals don’t stretch you, then there is no value in it. If it is something you can do comfortably and with ease, then what’s the point? It has to deprive you of something. It has to stress you. It has to stretch you. You have to forgo one thing for the other. It has to cost you something.

Your goals should require some efforts from you. It should not be something you can do consciously, but something that would require some degree of commitment and seriousness from you; something you would feel.


Goals come with discipline. Everything in life requires some effort. If you want to bag that degree, you have to go through all seasons, every semester, every necessary examination, coupled with varying assignments and projects; personal or group. It stretched you beyond your comfort zone. Left to you, you wouldn’t have wanted to but you paid the price. If you want to achieve anything meaningful in life, more so financial freedom, you need to stretch.

You earn 100,000 Naira (Nigerian local currency) or let’s say $280 per month and you said you want to be saving 5,000 Naira or $14 every month. As much as some can see that as a progress or a good starting point, it is advisable you should stretch yourself more. There are a lot of things that need our financial attention, I get it, but then with priority, we can let go those we know are not urgent and important, which can help us to stretch even more.

When you stretch, stretch a little more. Reach that limit first. The point is, whether you choose to set money aside or you don’t, you will still spend. To attain financial freedom, you need to stretch yourself. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.



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Yaaaaay!. Thanks a lot. Really appreciate this.

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