I was offered an Investment Plan in a Bank and here is what I did 🤣

in #finance7 years ago (edited)

Last week, while I was backpacking to visit my adoptive family, I decided to also visit a bank and open a saving account. As a background, I was never fond of dealing with it but I was forced to do as otherwise, my spending will sky-rocket. I also see that having another saving account will help me travel at ease and as means of precautions in case, my other debit card declined.

Long short story, I went to the bank. Upon the arrival, I was greeted by the security who asked my purpose of coming, I simply told him, I am going to open a saving account. Then, he proceed asking my Identification in which I gave him my passport. He flipped my passport, open and closed it then gave me a form to fill.

While I was walking to the waiting bench to fill the form. the security, directed me to the financial advisor desk which I didn't know previously who she was. I frowned seeing the registration form in which I know, I would never fill it in all honesty since I haven't changed the religion section in my ID and it was such compulsory to fill it. These days, I purposely left it blank whenever that particular form appeared but anyway, that moment, I've got to do what I have to do.I filled it feeling uneasy because it wasn't representing myself.

I shit 3% for breakfast.jpg

Looking at me slightly confused, a conversation between the financial advisor and I started.

' where do you work, are you opening a saving account for your work?' she asked while flipping her papers

' uh, no. I am still a student.' I replied

' Oh really?' she was looking at me amazed.

I don't know, these days people don't look at me like a college kid anymore. Everywhere I go, shopping malls, restaurants they address me like an adult!

' I am only 20 years old and I study in (insert my university)' I assured her

'oh okay, so do you know that opening saving account will cost you equivalent of 36.95$?'

' yes, I know' I replied while filling the remaining form.

' okay, so I have something interesting to show you, instead of opening regular saving account, why don't you pick our investment plan? It's totally worth it given that you're still 20 and there's no hassle. I can simply auto-debit from your regular saving account and I'll give you a week to decide if you want to continue or not' She tried to convinced me while handling me a paper with the detailed explanation.

I further asked ' How much is the ROI?'

' uh sorry?' she replied

' I mean how much is the return will I get?'

Here is the moment I tried to hold my laugh so bad

' You will get 5-7% yearly return and all you have to do is deposit 25.86$/monthly'

I recalled telling two of my friends about this and they made a remark

“bitch I shit 3% for breakfast!”

" 3%!? I can 30% in a day"

I sat there while I can't stop giggling and further asked more about it.

' Why do I have to pick 10 years?' I asked curiously

' Because if you pick only 5 years, you will not get the maximum ROI and instead, you will loss your money because the fee that's about 60%. That's why I don't recommend you to pick only 5 years. Imagine how much money you'll make in 10 years as you're only 20. It's going to be 5000$ ( in which to her mind it was a lot for a 20 year old kid).

' What happen if I bail out in my first year?, let's say I've put 25.86 x12 that becomes 310$ and all of a sudden, I want to quit because there's something I want to buy?'

' It's going to be a bad idea, because you will be only left with about 100$ as the remaining will be cut for the administration "

' Think about it, you're only 20. You'll graduate, get a job, definitely when you're 27 you'll get married and you'd need a house'

' What if I told you I don't want to get married?' I said playfully

Me inside my head : LOL What if I told you, my life is constantly on the edge? I live here and now. What if I die tomorrow? What If I told you I don't need to wait that long just to get a house?

' Oh then in that case, what about going pilgrimage like other people?' she added while chuckling
Me Inside my head : yeah, Unless I'd want to do some sort of suicide squad mission.

Our conversation ended as I told her I would be considering about that since I only want a regular saving account with a debit card. She asked my number and asked me if she can call me anytime. I hand out my phone number and walked to the customer service.

' May I help you' the officer greeted me nicely.

' Oh you forgot to fill your tax number' She added while checking my form

' What? I am still a student, I don't have that' I said

' okay a moment, there are couple of options card that you can pick, the lowest one which is a regular card will cost you only 0.63 monthly' she added

' oh no, I want the platinum card.' I said

' But the fee is high' she added.

' It's okay, just get me the platinum one'

She finalized my form and asked me to sign an agreement/ disagreement whether they can use my personal information for marketing related things. I obviously opted for disagreement,so if ever the financial advisor call me, I can report it anytime.

And finally, I have my simple saving account and embracing my life as a college kid.

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Lol... Fucking banks are so shady.

yeah clay, they thought I would simply give in. I further checked their website there are risks plus their return isn't appealing to me.5-7%/ year? I ain't got no time for that haha.

Well 30% a day is great but I would lock in a portion at 7% to preserve some capital. In Canada the best you can get is 3% for a 5 year GIC... it is great when Cryptos are goin up 30-1,000 % a day but pretty crappy when they drop 70% unless you have a stash of cash to buy more.

@offgridlife yeah, I know it's pretty crappy when the market goes red but I would rather take that than to wait for years to only gain 3%. Well, even investment offered by the financial institutions have their cons too.

Yes but I always invest a few thousand at 5 year terms so I have some coming due every month in case the Market or Bitcoin drops 90 % .... that way I always have some old fashioned fiat to buy the dips. I hate being 100 % invested when the Cryptos crash every few years

@offgrid, I get what you're saying. A long term investment is also a good idea but as of now I am riding the wave. Well, without an exception that I also have my eyes on other investment such as gold and property.

Absolutely. A few Gold Maple Leafs and a nice piece pf property on a spring fed lake is what I am interested in also. I'd rather use old Fiat to buy these things rather than any of my Crypto though.

I can't stop laughing here, 5% to 7% yearly is not only laughable but also odd. This is more reason why we should laugh the current banking system, because they think they are save and reliable, but in the real sense, they are not worth it.

This is 21st century and we are already moving into the decentralized age, these big organizations are lost already, but they won't just admit it.

I'm 20 years of age too man and its really nice to meet you on this platform.

@bania. I think because they think that there's no bigger risk at play. And that they think it's not as volatile as other market that we know today.

But in a way, we're still in a shifting phase and we can't deny we still need bank to store our money and doing transaction with it.

You low key stunted on us by saying you got the platinum card...

@scuzzy, trust me it's nothing because you'd have to pay 0.89$/ monthly. Well, I don't see anything special, all I was attracted was because the color xD It's somewhat cool black card.

Oh, you picked it because it has a cool color!? Stuntin round 2.

Yeah that's actually very cheap.

Yikes! What a story! Gotta love the money sucking bank and it's inventive ways of parting you with your money. Totally great read BTW!

@angel35mm haha I still can't stop laughing when I remember this day.

Upvote back, please :)

well yr post look intresting lets read it

I have made about a 10,000 % Return on my $0 Zero Dollar investment in Steem. So I can afford to Park some cash at 3% so that I always have fiat cash available to buy more Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc when they drop 90 % every few months.

Nice post
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lol sounds like the offer given by an insurance company. 😂

@ekavieka,I think they were affiliated with an insurance company (?) although, I am not really sure!! but that wasn't convincing enough, at least for me,

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