Simplifying Cryptocurrency Staking via Caesar Finance’s Solutions

in #finance3 years ago


We have had lots of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) all targeted at creating unique solutions for improved financial inclusion. Although these projects approach the inclusion in different ways, they ensure that they offer immense value, as opposed to what we already have.
Staking or delegating crypto tokens is one of the impressive features that come with cryptocurrency staking. The idea is to send your “crypto tokens on errand” whereby they earn more revenues for you. If you are looking for additional cryptocurrency passive income opportunities, the Caesar Finance project is what you should look into.
What is Caesar Finance?
Caesar Finance is a cryptocurrency staking-focused project that offers additional income opportunities to the users. Unlike the other staking pools, Caesar Finance offers additional features, such as:
• Fixed interest rate
• Automated crypto token staking compounding mechanism

Features of the Caesar Finance Platform
Here, I will discuss in-depth some of the innovative features that make Caesar Finance one of the best platforms to stake your crypto tokens this year.
Fast Auto-Staking Protocol
One of the core features of the Caesar Finance platform is the automated crypto token-staking mechanism. This is better than what we see in some of the traditional staking platforms that are either unautomated or are not fast enough.
Contrary to those, Caesar Finance offers fast staking of crypto tokens in the dedicated liquidity pool. In that case, the Liquidity Providers (LPs) can be confident of unstaking their crypto tokens.
The automated function works in a specific timeframe, ideally every 30 minutes. This works for the rest of the day, amounting to 48 times for the tokens to be unstaked (removed from the liquidity pool).

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Positive Rebase Formula
Some crypto tokens are built with a rebase function. The idea of rebasing these tokens is either to make a significant reduction or increase in the supply of these tokens. For example, if Crypto token A is a rebase token with a supply of 100 million, it might be reduced to 90 million. Thus, 10% of the token has been rebased based on the set function.
Therefore, crypto token investors using the Caesar Finance platform can take advantage of the rebase function to increase the number of the tokens they hold. At the same time, the value of the tokens will increase, based on the prevailing market price.
Fixed Interest Rate
Interest rates, also called Annual Percentage Yield (APY) in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) refers to the amount of money (in percentages) that would be paid to the token holders.
However, one feature that sets Caesar Finance apart from the others is the fluctuation in the interest rates. For example, a DeFi pool can pay 3% in a day and 0.5% another day.
To address this, Caesar Finance came up with the concept of “Fixed Interest Rate/APY.” That way, the pool pays a specific percentage in returns to the token holders.
At the time of writing, the fixed APY for Caesar Finance is 2% per day. This can be grown or increased to a record-breaking value of 153,617.5% per year via compounding or putting back the earned APY into the pool.
The compounding and fixed APY of Caesar Finance makes it impressive for DeFi investors to make passive income even if they are not actively trading in the market.

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