Is the financial system about to collapse?

in #finance6 years ago

Emergency briefing!

As you go on your regular news outlets you will see some cricket bullshit and some gossip but not some really important facts.

The Dow has just lost 500 points, it’s right on track for my GFD predictions and is eerily on track as I said March - May and if heavily manipulated will be August- November.

Some numbers and news attached below.

As stated always, I am not your financial advisor and always go and get independent advice. I am simply looking and analysing what is happening in the market place.

Remembering what is happening now also? We are entering the next phase of the liquidity squeeze with another $10b per month being removed in quantitative tightening exercise.…/stocks-on-track-for-worst-start-to-a…

Look at what these d!c#heads have to say, JP Morgan think this year will see double digit growth 🤣…/jp-morgan-investors-are-overreacting…

The stock markets are looking like crypto markets now and everything is red. Why? Because the central banks are draining all the liquidity out of the market.!




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