Stock Market turmoil! Global stocks plummeting!

in #finance7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday January 5, 2018, the DOW Jones dropped at one point 1500 points and closed out at 1200 points down. Simultaneously around the world, the markets in Asia and Australia also fell. Then we saw in the Cryptocurrency world that their stocks started plunging. Bitcoin dropped down all the way to around 7,500.


Monday's plunge was foreshadowed by a plunge that happened on Friday, February 2, 2018, which the headlines said the stock market plunged 666 points in the 6th largest single-day plunge on record.


Meanwhile, on Monday the Asian and Australian markets also felt the same plunge as their markets started to dip down as well.


Today, February 6, 2018, the Dow Jones bounced back after a rocky start to the trading day with ups and downs before finally gaining over 500 points. However the FTSE 100 suffers a loss of 193 points which wiped nearly £50bn wiped off FTSE 100.


While all of this is happening the Fiat currency we see that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies suffered massive losses as well due to banks now banning the purchase of Cryprocurrencies with their debit and/or credit cards. at one point today Bitcoin fell below 6,000 dollars per Bitcoin. However, it seemed to bounce back slightly.


Meanwhile, there is a new type of scheme going on called "Pump and Dump" in which a donar will infuse a MASSIVE influx of cash to drive up the price of the coin then turn right around and sell it off making off with the massive profits. Today's story is E-Coin which saw a MASSIVE increase of over 3,800 %, going from just $1.76 to $290.12 before RAPIDLY falling back to $2.24. In other words, they "hit it and quit it" making a massive profit in just 1 day. Since Cryptocurrency is unregulated these big money investors can infuse massive amounts of cash into a coin and make off with massive profits.


The Markets seemed to be up and down right now, perhaps this is all a precursor to a much larger crash. If the stock markets crash this time, there will not be a recovery. The U.S. does not possess the funds to bail out the banks this time around. It will spell the end of America. Several Torah Codes were discovered that say simply that the Economy will experience a "death. The following is the Torah code for "Economic Death"

1st code for Economic Death discovered June 14, 2017



2nd Code for Economic Death discovered June 15, 2017



3rd code for Economic Death discovered June 19, 2017



After all of this, we see that despite the fact that the Dow didn't gain or lose anything today, the rest of the world was in a downward spiral. You can almost bet that this trend will continue leading to the inevitable death of the Global Economy.

The day the world lost $4 Trillion Dollars - SOURCE

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I am seeing this all over steemit today. It is quite a huge drop in stocks. I hope whoever was investing cashed out before hand. People don't realize that stocks arn't a forever thing that goes up, it drops and you go bankrupt.

Definitely, a sign of the times!

I think those who have money in the stock market has been scammed yesterday...

I bet the people on Wall Street are crapping bricks, and not gold ones!

There's good sense in advising financial adaptability and a "wide stance." From a scriptural perspective, this old horse is carrying poverty for many, but others can benefit from things like Godcoin.

Up and Down.. nothing is ever stable during war time ..!

One this is certain... A global collapse is coming

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