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RE: LP Candidates and State Affiliates Can Raise Money Using Steemit in the Easiest Possible Way

And moreover, you’re being disingenuous about his intent to “distribute resources.” You are well-aware that his platform is to dissolve the federal government. Why must you continue to troll? Not enough hugs?


When someone post a article that says make a account, write something about the LP party, yourself in the LP or about the Freedom campaign and I will make sure you get paid hundreds for it it is no different then any of the politicians he complains about that are on the take, will give favors to those who benefit them or will elevate those in agreement with them by using financial means. When you do stuff like that it's no longer a fair system, it's a corrupt system that people can't fight back with because they don't have the financial means to do so. It's capitalism at it's worse.

Except, Adam owns these resources. And this is precisely what we’ve been tasked with doing to bring more people to Steemit.

A very good answer 😎


No Adam does not own the resources. Who ever gave him the delegation does and that person can take it back anytime they want. So you see Adam operates exactly like the government, he takes someone else's "resources" and exploits them for his own benefit against all the other people here on Steemit.

He has directly stated his plans several times over. The junior high school tier insults are unnecessary.

Politicians steal the resources of the people. These resources in Adam’s wallet belong to him.

Please, tell me, how much control over Adam’s resources do you think you should have? Because that’s communism.

We are talking about his platform, correct?

Will he and his “custodians” not be allocating and liquidating resources of the state?

Jumping to “muh communism” is pretty damn sophomoric. Adam cannot be trusted to do this any more than any other politician. His individual use of resources already delegated to him demonstrate this. i.e. erratically upvoting shitpost comments calling fellow activists “cowards,” troubles paying companies for services rendered, etc. He behaves as a child and wants to centrally oversee allocation of billions and billions of dollars. This is why voluntaryists don’t look to non-propertarian centralized leadership, or majority votes, but property, and the market.

Nobody here said anything about controlling Adam’s wallet. Don’t be silly.

They will be liquidating, not allocating.

And, speaking of acting like a child, I noticed that you post on every single thing he upvotes but none of us seem to have any interest in your posts. Strange.

Liquidating them centrally, hey? Lol. If I were looking for you to care about my posts, Ben, I would be in a very sad state of affairs indeed.

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