Ain't Gonna Happen...

in #final-fantasy5 years ago (edited)

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Shortly after I posted this... Square-Enix released a trailer. So there is a serving of crow waiting for me now!

So while I have been bogged down with final exams this week, and while they have not been as arduous as previous exam weeks, this one is still tough and I am struggling to find motivation.

Enter the distracting times of social media, Netflix, and emulators!

My quest for procrastination brought me to a group on Facebook, "FINAL FANTASY," a closed group which can be found here:

It seems to be populated by a bunch of Final Fantasy VII fans, mostly, and that's cool. Although as far as I am concerned, Final Fantasy IV, V, VI, IX, and X are each of them superior games in terms of story, characters, mechanics, and translation. It is a matter of apples and oranges when it comes to comparing graphics - different consoles, different generations. There are a few reasons for bad translations - although everything "bad" about the translation for FFIV was still fun - case in point:
Even with updated graphics, Square-Enix still kept with the fan-loved classic (mis)translation (?) that has become as essential to Final Fantasy IV as mayo is to an amazing roast beef sandwich.

That being said, the translation on FFVII definitely could have stood some spit-and-polish. I can understand the great love that many people have for the game - it was their first Final Fantasy game, and it was released on PlayStation, and it inspired great love with the dynamic characters. We have been blessed with remakes of IV, V, and VI. X and its sequel game, X-2 (read: "Ten-Two") have been re-released on numerous systems, notable PS3, PS4, and now I hear of talk of a port over to the Switch. There have been some improvement to the graphics on each of these, but not a complete overhaul, as has happened with FFIV and a few other games in the series, such as the original Final Fantasy III.

Sidebar - FFII and FFIII were first released for the NES in Japan, but FFIV was ported over to the West as "FFII" and FFVI was ported over as "FFIII", both originally for SNES. The real FFIII finally made it into the US of A in 2006, over a decade and a half after it was first released in Japan. Thank you for coming to my Final Fantasy TED Talk.

Anywho... I bring all this up because I find myself glossing over the silly posts of "Should I get this Final Fantasy game that came out 17 years ago and is now available on this current gen system that I never played before?" My response is usually in my head, with a resounding, "Dude, just spend the damn money. If you are questioning if you should spend the money in the first place, then don't spend the money, OK?"

The other posts are the wishful thinkings, musings, spammings, and even some trollings regarding the long-awaited and much-demanded remake of Final Fantasy VII. I finally caved today and commented with a meme that I have been storing up, the JENOVA-slaying shot in the chamber of Vincent Valentine's revolver that should blast a gaping hole in a shirtless Sephiroth's bare chest:

There is an unhealthy level of obsession with this remake, and I have not been holding my breath for several reasons, not the least of which is that I have not purchased a system since I bought my PSP with birthday money 8 years ago, when it was nearing the end of its days and the advent of the PS Vita was upon us. I really do not care if Square-Enix remakes the game or not, and I will be happy for the people who will no doubt be dancing madly [See what I did there, fans of FFVI? Hehe...] in the streets. But until there is an official notification, I am just B-O-R-E-D with seeing all of the speculations about it, and I admittedly was short on patience.

Even still, my fellow FF fans: Stop trying to make it happen. It's not going to happen.

OK, back to hitting the books, as I still have a paper and one last test.


My problem with these games is that I’m hung Ho and play the hell out of them for a few days and then don’t touch me again. I suck.

The story and feeling of them suck you in. Until you get to a part you can't beat and you forgot to save and rage quit. But the final fantasy series always brought me back ( most of them )

Posted using Partiko Android

They get super-involved. FFIV, V, and VI were time vacuums, for sure, but FFVII and onward are vortexes. And you pretty much have to play them daily or keep a logbook, like Bilbo did, so that Gandalf can judge you later. Nah, you don't suck - I mean, not for that reason, at least. lolz

Didn't they just release a trailer? It's deff happening 😋

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, they released the trailer... Like, a day or two after I posted this... So maybe it will happen, just at the same pacing as "Duke Nuke'em Forever" perhaps...?

They had development issues, and scrapped the while team for a new one, plus they set up up a final fantasy concert right before e3. It's deff going to happen 😜. Although Duke nukem, that's all disappointments lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm glad it is happening, at least for the die-hard FFVII fans. Just bad timing on my part to finally get around to posting that meme... Hahaha! I mean, Duke Nukem fans waited 15 years. FFVII fans are well beyond that now, so I guess that is the next hurdle - hoping and praying that the game is not a steaming pile of you-know-what...

Sup Dork?!? Enjoy the Upvote!!!


Aren’t you a fan?

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