Why the Fuck Should I Watch SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY?

in #films6 years ago (edited)

Why the fuck should you watch Solo: A Star Wars Story?
• The only question in your head for the last 40 years has been: “does and why Han shoots first?”
• You think Chewie is cute, when he’s angry. 
• You saw the trailer and thought “I’m having a good feeling about this!”
• You need something to bitch about until the next installment of the saga.

Source: starwars.com

So, the new Han Solo spinoff is out and the outcome of the widely unwelcomed saga prequel doesn’t look good. The yes-man Ron Howard, who ended up directing the film after the humorous and ingenious Phil Lord and Christopher Miller (The Lego Movie, 21 Jump Street) were fired, because of “creative differences”, has created a studio satisfying, watered-down space romp. Yes, it’s still a movie where space shit happens within a quite coherent story, but at the same time it feels like an utterly irrelevant and characterless take on the Star Wars universe. Especially when it comes to the iconic Han Solo that Harrison Ford made immortal with nuanced, cynic, and charismatic performances.

Source: starwars.com

But enough with the whine. It has lots of action. Lots of space things. Nice main topic about trust. And a pretty decent ending. Also, it didn’t ruin any known characters (which actually is an achievement after “The Last Jedi”) so even fans don’t need to be (very) afraid. 

Why the fuck shouldn’t you watch Solo: A Star Wars Story?
• Boring storytelling and playing it safe gives you nightmares and you need your sleep, because you have difficult times in your life. 
• You are satisfied with Solo’s mysterious past and don’t need useless fan service centered answers.
• You like comedies (Solo is not). You like dark movies (Solo is not). You like space westerns (Solo is not). You like good love operas (Solo is not). Well it’s not really anything in particular….but it has a strong women lead character at least. 
• You think that Star Trek is the best and — fuck Star Wars.
• Because you think Disney should milk another cash cow for a while.
• You are one of those “the original trilogy is the Bible” kind of persons.

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