Ghostbusters Frozen Empire is an embarrassment to film in general

in #films3 months ago

I don't necessarily claim to be some sort of expert as to what is good film or what isn't but I do think that I have a reasonbly good idea about what it is that is outright an offense to anyone that has ever bothered to be interested in a particular film franchise. Ghostbusters is one of the most well-known film franchises of all time and unfortunately I had the displeasure of sitting down to see their latest entry into what honestly, should have been laid to rest many years ago.


There aren't very many films that I have ever seen that have ever actually made me physically angry but this is one of them and I will admit that it is due largely to the fact that I was alive when the epic Ghostbusters original film was released.

This movie, from start to finish, shits all over the memory of it and attempts to fill it with as much modern day bullshit as possible and shame on you Paul Rudd for ever having anything to do with it as well as the original cast members who were likely paid vast sums of money to sell their souls on the alter of modernity .

I absolutely HATE this movie's existence and rejoice in the internet's condemning of the fact that it ever came to be.


This is a rigged rating. It has to be rigged. I never really did trust the ratings here.

This film is an abomination on films generally speaking and everyone should turn their backs, and wallets, on everyone involved in it.

I tried my best to enjoy everything they did with this saga beyond the 80's / early 90's but this is just too much.

I have nothing else to say about this movie other than the fact that it is the dissection of everything that was good back in the day in an attempt to do something "modern" and I am seriously happy that it is losing tons of money for the studios after their advertising budget.

The only hope i can have from this point forward is that China will reject the movie as well so that Sony Pictures will learn to stop mukking about with things that we once treasured

I'm not even going to tell you where to watch this... i can only advise that you watch the original film from 1984

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