Desperado (film): outlandish and silly at times, but overalll, pretty good

in #films6 years ago

Antonio Banderasw was all the rage in the early to mid 90's, especially to my girlfriend at the time, who would talk about him incessantly, had a poster of him on the wall and other such teenage stuff that is just so typical.
Anyway, my girlfriend likely enjoyed the movie for very different reasons than I did and that is just fine.


The movie is about El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas) who is out for revenge against a drug lord who killed his lover. Bucho pretty much controls the town (he is the drug lord) and everyone in it. When El Mariachi arrives in town he is basically a one-man army as is quite typical in many others stars' movies and Bucho sends anyone and everyone after him to little avail.


What makes this movie entertaining is that while the style of movie certainly isn't anything new, it is nice to see a bit of a Mexican twist on it. Also, the fact that El Mariachi is a legend that many don't believe exists makes him a bit of a south of the border Batman.

The standoff with the Assassin sent to kill El Mariachi is pretty exceptional, despite the fact that he chooses to use throwing knives instead of guns (and is very good with them too)


If you enjoy action and can accept the fact that pretty much all the action in this movie is completely absurd, especially when Mariachi's family members come to help out, you will enjoy this movie. It is over-the-top and extremely violent. Also no, crazy action film would be complete without a "walk away, no look explosion" scene, right?


While I can't give it huge marks since there is literally nothing original in this movie, I did enjoy it a lot and will on occasion return to rewatch because even though there is almost nothing practical about this movie at all, that is part of the fun.

6.5 / 10


I am probably one of the few gringos who saw the original movie, El Mariachi before this one. The movie was completely in Spanish and had some God awful acting in it. I actually watched it while in Mexico with some friends of mine.

This is my favorite scene in the bar:

I love it because of the cheese. He asks the bartender for a beer, so the bartender starts to pour it into a cup. So el mariachi is like, "En botella, gúey!" (In a bottle asshole)

The way he says it sounds pretty funny in Spanish. It's the little pause between bottle and guey. Hard to explain.. haha

My friend down in Mexico also told me that the film was so low budget that they only had like 3 bullets or something, so they recorded the sound of it firing and used it through the whole movie. I don't know if it's true or not. All I know is that the movie is supposed to be serious but we laughed all the way through.

For me, the main thing in this film is its atmosphere. I don’t know why, but every time I watch this film I almost feel the sand crunch on my teeth, rolling tumbleweed, and how the boards creak under the heavy tread of a Mexican musician who is driven only by a thirst for revenge.

One of my all time faves. Everything Banderas touched back in the day was gold

Antonialo Banderas was my childhood hero expecially with the shooting guitar and the flowing hair, he was a cowboy protagonist, hell desperado was a splendid movie for me, I agree with you, that there is nothing original about it, however the 1990s action movies never really have amazing story line. For me


A very stylish movie
Salma hayek was beautiful back then

She still looks amazing, considering she's now over 50.

Completely agree

This is honestly one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. It just hits all the right marks -- great dialogue and characters, slimy villain, amazing action scenes (the bar shootout is one my favorite action set pieces), a guitar case that shoots a damn missile...and smoking hot Salma Hayek.

To me, its just the perfect action film with a great, over the top Mexican setting. Oh yeah, and it introduced the world to Danny Trejo.

This is a remake of the mexican movie named:"El Mariachi". It´s pretty violent, and it really have surrealistic scenes that even defies the physics laws. But I just saw it, because I wanted to see Salma Hayek´s character... hoooly she looks gorgeus there!. In general, I did not like the movie at all.

This movie is relatively good because Antonio Banderas comes out, I'm sure if he does another actor would be horrible haha

Just for some random entertainment, This movie will stand out well. and yea I liked the trailer its a bit thrilling! keep up with good content.

I have not seen this movie for quite some time and I have pretty good memories about the whole "franchise". I am not sure if it aged well to be honest. Maybe I might think it would be a bit too silly now.

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