Black Sheep (film): Well, we already saw this

in #films6 years ago

The good news about this film is that it is funny. The bad news is that it is essentilaly the same film that we saw 2 year prior with "Tommy Boy," which in my mind was better.


Al Donnelly is running for governor of Washington and just happens to be related to Mike Donnelly who just happens to be the well-wishing idiot of the family who is portrayed by Chris Farley. Mike desperately wants to help his brother Al win the election, but it seems every time he attempts to get involved he ends up causing some sort of media storm with his idiocy.


Because of his brother's tendency to embarrass him in a political realm, Al sends one of his staff members named Steve Dodds (David Spade), to "look after" his brother and ensure that he does not embarrass his campaign further in the future. This involves Spade and Farley being in a remote part of the state to do almost completely "fake" campaigning to keep the potential governor's embarrassing brother out of the public eye.


As you would expect, certain circumstances arise and they need to come back to the populated world and then suffer a mild setback before they accomplish total victory - this time with the help of crazy Gary Busey.


I want to like this movie. I really do. This trailer is awful by the way, but is the only one I could find.

This movie is funny but i can't give it any sort of real marks because it is almost exactly the same movie as was made a few years prior. It is incredibly lazy of the studios to make essentially the same movie again (and even with the same characters) but i guess if people are willing to pay money.... it's just business.

4 / 10

because of no originality for the most part


😪 Ohh yeah, I remember that movie, trust me, I really tried to watch all the movie but I couldn't. it's like the movie "Dumb and Dumber 2 or 3" really sucks. (sorry for not comment often but my Resource Credits decrease very quickly)

i should probably look at my RC, i don't really understand how that works. Thanks for commenting as much as you do.

I don't think you should worry, only affects people with low SP, your "Resource Credits" recover very fast because you have a lot of SP. (you can view your status here👍

I really do not understand the point of creating almost same sort of movie again! anyways as always your reviews are simple and easy to read which makes the interest on.

I would imagine that the point was that they knew they could make 20 million dollars or so. I suppose their ideas will only change once we change our predictable spending patterns.

Completely true!

I thought it was alright. You're probably right but same can be said to virtually all movies...they always recycle themselves soon, now or later

This is a nice movie.

Great movie!

Posted using Partiko Android

Black Sheep is the story of a farm boy in New Zealand who must defend others from a hoard of genetic, pissed-off sheep that kill people. That is the exact premise of this film, and it is played completely straight forward, but it is in a good way, and I'm not saying this in the sense of "oh, look how wierd and fucked-up the people of New Zealand are". This is probably the best animal attack film to date, and that really is saying something. What is fantastic about the film is the humor. It is very well written and you could tell that both the screenwriter and director get it. However, they do not go about the humor by making ti an excuse, in other words, making a bad film on purpose. This director truly wanted to make this film for the simple sake of making it, and you could tell that everyone involved enjoyed it. This film is rediculously and absurdly gory, to the point that you laugh at the ways that the sheep kill people. I'm not kidding about this; They rip a girl's arm off, a guys legs off, tear out a guy's intestines, and rip off a man's lips. It is hysterically gory and you will most likely enjoy it.
One of the interesting things about this film is the makeup and effects. Most of these effects were practical, so only a small part of it was filmed on an actual bluescreen. I got an idea of the effects after watching the making of this, and it is easy to say that Weta (the same FX company that worked on Lord of the Rings, District 9 and Rise of the Planet of the Apes) is the best company in the film industry. They actually managed to created reallistic-looking sheep from scratch, and they also managed to get the details of what a human/sheep would look like. No other company would have been able to do what they did here. What is surprising about this film is that I learned something about sheep; they are those kind of animals that try to act majestic. You know, they've got their chest puffed out, and their legs are positioned right. But they can't help but look around, blink and lick their lips every once in a while.
So, this is a fantastic film for what it was trying to do, and it is a must-see for b-horror fans. Hoo yeauh.... Hoo yeauh

(Sorry for not comment often but my resource credits decrease very quickly)

That's a different BlackSheep movie, i'll have to check that one out

Hey @gooddream
I have a question with you.
If you get a comment about a movie you will be happy

I don't really understand the question. If you mean am I happy when people comment on my posts the answer is "yes." I like it when people decide to have meaningful conversation on here, no matter what it is about

I don't remember having seen this one will put it on the list to maybe watch one day, as I see it's from the director of Wayne's World and you say it's actually funny.

I just see I'm not the first one talking about thit 'Black Sheep'. At least I read your review before commenting ;>)

Not sure if you're into horror comedy but have you seen the 2006 Black Sheep (from New Zealand ), which is actually about black sheep. If not, you might like it :>)

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