A few photographers' Youtube channels I enjoy watching

in #filmphotography6 years ago (edited)


As you can witness above, my son could spend hours watching Shinkansen passing by. Here's what I like wasting my time on, a very shortlist of Youtube channels I have been enjoying the most and finding very inspiring these past few months.

Steve O'Nions

I found about Steve's channel quite recently, so I have only watched a dozen of his videos, but I am already hooked. Steve uses a variety of cameras, from DSLR to medium and large format film cameras, and even a pinhole camera. His landscape photography is just great, and I like how he walks you through his thinking process. Here's one of the pinhole camera video I found very inspiring to give you an example. Check it out for yourself!

Nick Carver

Nick's channel might just be my favorite channel of all time. I looove his work, and his videos are just very well made, and a perfect balance of fun (well, that is if you enjoy his sense of humor) and learning. I like how his videos are typically inspired by a specific vision, a photography he imagined in his mind, and how dedicated he is to go from shoting it, to print it and display it on his wall. If you have to check out only one of the channels I am listing here, check this one, especially his "Photography on Location" playlist, really. (Damn I just can't wait for his next video)

Ben Horne

If you enjoy landscape photography and don't know about Ben's channel yet, well my friend I think you got yourself a treat. Ben's does a few trips a year to some of the greatest US national parks, with his large format 8x10 cameras, and has been not only doing so but documenting it on his channel for something like 8 years now. That's a lot of videos... His slow and meticulous approach to photography, partialy imposed by the medium he uses, has been an eye opener for me, even though I shoot much lighter cameras and with a far more casual approach. If you want to see a friendly and serious photographer at work in some gorgeous landscapes, you should definitely check his channel out. I also warmly recommend checking out his "Film Reveal" videos at the end of each trip, where he takes us along with him to check out the gigantic developed sheets against the light table for the first time.

Mike Janik

Unfortunately Mike is not producing videos very often, but his 16 videos have earned him more than 16k followers none the less! Not too shabby. Mike is a very cool guy, very energetic and passionate about film photography. His videos are usually quick and pleasant to watch, and to top it off I really dig his photography. Check out his channel and tell me what you think! Oh, and don't miss his website as well if like me you enjoy urban photography.

Alright, that's a wrap. Thanks for reading along, and I hope someone found it useful. I like these channels very much and felt like I had to share the love somehow anyway. Cheers.

Ilford HP5+ 400 | Fuji GS645S | 60mm


Wow, Ben Horne is an old friend of mine, we used to work at a pro camera shop in SD together. We even taught a lighting class for 4 years together. When I met him he was shooting sports only at SDSU and I believe his first time with a 4x5 was assisting for me on an architectural gig. Very talented, very sweet, and a total nerd. I miss Ben.

May I share one more link? He doesn't do videos, but my friend Todd Vorenkamp writes for B&H and I have been trying to get him on Steemit. He is one of my favorite photographers in the world. Ben, Todd and I all used to go shooting together :)


Small world I guess! Well I am glad he actually caught the large format bug during this gig you mentionned, which perhaps eventually lead him to create this amazing content. Thanks for that ;)

Thanks a lot for the link to Todd's blog too, I'll make sure to check it out!

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