Is film photography a fad in 2018, or is it’s resurgence here to stay?

I'm conducting a question/poll over on Quora and I'd love if you could go over and give an answer. I am curious if you believe that film has had a resurgence, and if so if you believe it's just a fad and will soon fade like all the recent photography fads since the digital era.

Shot on Ektar 100 and pushed 2 stops.

Let me know what you think!



so calm. .. . love

Left you an answer. I want to take up film myself soon.

Thanks! I just replied. I agree that film takes more stamina to continue with in the long run. Whether it's a fad or not, I think you'd really like shooting some film, even if it's just a roll or two.

For my part, I always see digital and film as two different mediums that can co-exist. Yes digital is cheaper, and can basically do everything film does. But there’s something magical in the reaction of silver halide to chemicals revealing an image on a plastic and tangible medium. And that, digital cannot do.

We’ve stored film for over a hundred years and we know how to maintain it. I believe research show that a negative will not move for at least 600 years. With digital, which is quite new in comparaison, we don’t know. We could all loose our data one day and have no way to recover it. That’s the sad truth: we don’t know how digital really works and if it’s going to last as long as we expect it to. We don’t know when our hard drive is going to stop responding. We don’t know at which rate the metadata of our files get corrupted.

So I believe both have advantages and disadvantages, and I very much hope that they both will continue to coexist !

Thank you! Great insight

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