How I made $100 on this simple photo!

in #filmphotography6 years ago (edited)


In January 2016, about 6 months after I sent in my application to Stocksy United, I received a response in my inbox. I excitedly opened it up and was stoked to find that I had earned an interview, and they were interested in on-boarding me as one of the (then) less than 1,000 contributors. I found out later they had over 6,000 applicants in that year's Call to Artists, and I was one of several hundred who were accepted.

Every since then I've felt lucky to have a home for my photos, and place where I can be proud to be a part of. If you aren't aware of Stocksy, we are a coop stock photo + video agency made up of approximately 1,000 contributors worldwide. We're the best in the industry and have some of the most talented content creators in the world. As a contributor, I've been very satisfied with the revenue to time ratio that I've experienced since joining, and this December I will have seen three years, which each one trending upwards in revenue.

I got a notification this morning showing that this photo sold again which has brought it's revenue total to right around $100. At the time when I shot it last year, all I was thinking was how insane the light was as the fog lifted and the sun began to shine. I didn't shoot this photo to sell, I shot it because I loved the pattern and the light. This is one of the things that makes Stocksy so fun for me. When I sell photos that I took purely for the love of photography and the joy of making art, it feels really good!

It's always fun to see what sells. Sometimes the shoots I plan for and execute primarily for Stocksy don't do nearly as well as the unplanned, "joy of shooting" photos that I end up uploading.

See the rest of the photos from this shoot here: Sunrise | Stocksy United.

I know most of my current readers aren't current stock photo clients, but if you happen to make a purchase, and you do it through the link above or use the promo code justinmullet20 you'll get 20% off your first order.

If you're interested in more stock photo stories or info, let me know!


Hi Justin!
Stocksy is definitely the best image bank! I was at istock the turbulent times that led to the birth of stocksy and I saw from day one that it is the best from the best!
I would love to be part of it and if it is not too much to ask I would like your advise. I answered to the "call to artists" about 14 months ago and got rejected. As I look back to the pictures I submited I see that it was a fair decision. Since then my editing abilities have improved and I have reinvented my photographic identity by interacting with so many great photographers here, on steemit. But still I can see that my pictures don't have the professional look the stocksy photos have and I hezitate to apply again. If you could check some of my recent posts and tell me your opinion I would be most grateful. Of course if you don't have time for this I'll totaly understand.
Thanks anyway!

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