
If film making is what makes you happy then that is what you should be doing man.

Any specific genre you are planning to work on?

Hear, hear! This project will be some kind of roleplaying / fantasy/ improv fun thing. Not necessarily my genre, but the fun part and working with a friend makes up for that ;>)

If I start focusing on the things that make me happy - actively creating - all other things will work out too.

I got around to believing this is the case too which is why I'm trying to drop more time into my anim project :) (this included finally giving up a business I was running with my sister which was kind of making money and would have probably done well if we'd decided to go hard with it) Would be great to see more of your film stuff :D


Thank you for your encouraging and kind words :>)

Nice to hear that about your animation project. And it must be a tough choice to quit - a collab - that worked with your sister for it. Although, I'm pretty sure that you made the right choice.

How did she take it?

She was fine with it. We were deliberately doing it part time and would have had to make full time hours to be able to get it to a level of sustainable/make it our full time money earning venture; she already had a full time job and didn't want another one on top of it, and I had two and was starting to find things tough going.

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