El Mariachi - Lets talk film / An inspiration for indie filmmakers

in #filmmaking7 years ago (edited)

In 1992, a young Robert Rodriguez directed an action film with $7000 dollars, which was the money he earned after he volunteered in a lab for drug testing. Almost all the money went into buying the film rolls. But, after a year of hard work what he thought was a movie that could be sold in a video store turned out to be a box office hit film and also lead to The Mexico Trilogy. This film kick-started Robert Rodriguez carrier as a film maker.

Its been 25 years since its release and I have watched it many times. Its one of those films that challenges every film which comes after it. It challenges every film which has millions of dollars in budget and yet fails to impress anyone. Its a film that set a milestone that no one has yet dared to attempt to reach. This movie is example for art can be created anywhere, you don't need money, you don't need background, the only thing you need is your will.

El Mariachi shows the power of independent spirit. All the actors were working for free and were friends of Robert and they all did an amazing job. All of them had too act at a single take, or else more film would be used and there would be loss of money. Today we have everything digital. But still many film makers will give budget as the reason for not making a film. I always wondered what if Robert Rodriguez was born during the digital era he would have been an unstoppable force.

If you haven't watched this film yet, then you are missing one of the best action and chase film ever made in. The movie starts of with a shootout which takes place in a a jail, this starts the entire movie into motion. One of the cool things about this film is that every scene is made in such a way that it can work  as an independent set piece. 

The movie has good narrative, the story unfolds slowly. There is entertainment till the end. Its a comedy, action and also tragedy all wrapped together to make a fantastic film. El Mariachi which means The Musician is a story about a guitarist who enters a new town looking for  job. Here in this town he will be confused by the local mob as a person from the opposite gang which makes him the target. What happens is a cat and mouse chase with a lot of funny and dangerous moments which will keep your eyes glued to the screen.


I don't know why the IMDB rating is so less for this film. It has got 6.5/10. I think it deserves much more, but on the brighter side this move has been chosen for the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. This movie has inspired a lot of movies which came after it one of the notable film is The Following which is Christopher Nolan's first feature film. Christopher Nolan  himself in his VICE interview about The Following acknowledge about this film. 

One of the scenes of the film which is very well enjoyed by all is the bathtub scene. Its flawless you just cannot say that this scene was written and shot by a first time director. Luckily, I found this clipping of the scene on Youtube, you can watch it below.

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I think this film will remain as beacon for all the indie filmmakers who wants to make it big. It has also inspired me a lot, its because of this film that I was able to shoot my first feature. I wasn't able to rent good cameras I used android phone camera instead. It really thought me how to be spontaneous. I would recommend you all to buy the book which Robert Rodriguez himself wrote about his journey on making El Mariachi, the name of the book is Rebel without a Crew. Watch the trailer here..

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

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Thank you for reading. Do watch the film. Cheers! 

                                            Follow me @nandan


Keep up the film/movie posts! Great stuff. The movies that are less mainstream but still excellent have been your best reviews.

Thank you for the kind words @eeks

Great to find a fellow filmmaker! I'm now following to read your reviews and updates on your film! Congratulations on completing that by the way! Good tips, and I actually read that book years ago. I also shot a feature when I was getting started and found I used a lot of techniques Rodriguez wrote about when I read the book years later. Good read, especially having seen the movie. Goodluck on your journey, and looking forward to reading more about your projects, and movie reviews!

I have never seen El Mariachi, but I have read the journal of Rodriguez about the way he financed, shot and sold his movie, which is indispensable reading for any wannabe filmmaker: https://openlibrary.org/books/OL24959790M/Rebel_without_a_crew_or_How_a_23-year-old_filmmaker_with_7_000_became_a_Hollywood_player_Robert_Rodr
It's a gem!

Thank you for informing about it :)

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