Filmmaker's Diaries: Resume of the last weeks. January 6, 2019

in #filmmakersdiaries6 years ago

Hello and welcome to another Filmmaker’s diary!

There has been a few developments this last days.

A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine called me, saying he had a proposition from a a web company or whatever, and they wanted him to produce videos 5 sec videos. So he asked me to shorten some things we had done and that he would be in touch.

Even though my time is more than limited with the job and everything else… I did the editing and send it to him… haven’t heard anything from him since.

Then last week, I saw a dear friend that I hadn’t seen in 10 years or something like that. He gave me a lot of ideas and told me of opportunities that we could get in Luxembourg. It does feel very right … They have a nice film system out there… he even mention accommodation… It does fell right… maybe more on that later.

Video company: I’m finishing doing the website for this company. I was thinking that since January is a slow month… maybe I would just try and get clients after… but you know what… I’m gonna finish the website and go hunt for some clients.

Also, the real estate video site is all ready… I fell like I need the drone and the lens… and to get good at taking pictures and good at using the stabiliser… but you know what… I might just try and get some clients also… maybe February.

And the music video company… how this entire diary started… Think I’m going to try and get some clients too. Been waiting way too long… trying to get everything perfect for way too long…

There is a rapper in specific that I think would be cool to contact. I’ve tried to get his email … still nothing I’ll try again… and then try to get some other musicians on board… despite the fact that the ratio money/ time is way better in the other videos.

And just to close… I found out that the guy who disappeared last year on me… you know that double music video I was very excited about. The one that would be like short film… that I worked on developing the ideia, right after, finally launching the web site and company… and the guy who ended up making one clip that was kinda mediocre… nothing like we where planing… we’ll , that guy works on the same floor as me. Only saw him from a far… but it’s him… kinda funny.

As always, thank you for reading.

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